Broken Things

'Broken Things', 2018

A story of a lonely young child growing up in an isolated family from where she digs into her inner fantasy world. The adults who surround her doesn’t do anything to solve the unbearable life they are living, everybody is resigned. The mother hides behind her cigarette smoke, the grandmother is covered with her plants and the little girl tries to alleviate her depressing circumstances with her fantasy world. But as she dives deeper and deeper into herself, she realizes that everything that surrounds her is a part of her life, that she can not escape or hide from.

A story of a lonely young child growing up in an isolated family from where she digs into her inner fantasy world. The adults who surround her doesn’t do anything to solve the unbearable life they are living, everybody is resigned. The mother hides behind her cigarette smoke, the grandmother is covered with her plants and the little girl tries to alleviate her depressing circumstances with her fantasy world. But as she dives deeper and deeper into herself, she realizes that everything that surrounds her is a part of her life, that she can not escape or hide from.


Panni Gyulai


9 minutes





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Broken Things

Panni Gyulai, 2018

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No Dialogue


Primanima World Festival of First Animations



The Award of the Primalter Jury


A story of a lonely young child growing up in an isolated family from where she digs into her inner fantasy world. The adults who surround her doesn’t do anything to solve the unbearable life they are living, everybody is resigned. The mother hides behind her cigarette smoke, the grandmother is covered with her plants and the little girl tries to alleviate her depressing circumstances with her fantasy world. But as she dives deeper and deeper into herself, she realizes that everything that surrounds her is a part of her life, that she can not escape or hide from.

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A story of a lonely young child growing up in an isolated family from where she digs into her inner fantasy world. The adults who surround her doesn’t do anything to solve the unbearable life they are living, everybody is resigned. The mother hides behind her cigarette smoke, the grandmother is covered with her plants and the little girl tries to alleviate her depressing circumstances with her fantasy world. But as she dives deeper and deeper into herself, she realizes that everything that surrounds her is a part of her life, that she can not escape or hide from.


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