Best Director (2019)

'Zui jia dao yan', 2019

Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine ...

Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine ...


Xian Zhang


93 minutes





Movie poster image
Best Director (2019)

Xian Zhang, 2019

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Warsaw International Film Festival



Free Spirit Award

Free Spirit Award


Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine ...

Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine photographer from Guangdong. They planned to get a marriage certificate quickly and start a wedding trip. However, their parents are not keen on the idea and insist on a traditional Chinese wedding. They force the couple to organize a traditional ceremony. Everyone comes to Zhang's hometown of Shanxi, and a family hell begins. Differences of opinion between the young couple and the parents, cultural differences between the two families, and then Zhang's ex-girlfriend turns up - A truly black comedy.


Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine ...


Zhang and Shanni are a couple. They live in Beijing and both are successful. Zhang is a director of some renown whose film has just won a prize abroad. Shanni is a fashion magazine photographer from Guangdong. They planned to get a marriage certificate quickly and start a wedding trip. However, their parents are not keen on the idea and insist on a traditional Chinese wedding. They force the couple to organize a traditional ceremony. Everyone comes to Zhang's hometown of Shanxi, and a family hell begins. Differences of opinion between the young couple and the parents, cultural differences between the two families, and then Zhang's ex-girlfriend turns up - A truly black comedy.


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Cast & crew


Chuyi Jiang


Jingcheng Jin


Shaolong Wang




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