The D Train

'The D Train', 2015

The head of a high school reunion committee tries to get the most popular guy in school to attend their class' upcoming 20-year reunion.

The head of a high school reunion committee tries to get the most popular guy in school to attend their class' upcoming 20-year reunion.


101 minutes




Comedy, Drama


high school, reunion, anal sex, class reunion, apology

Movie poster image
The D Train

Andrew Mogel, Jarrad Paul, 2015

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TLA Gaybies



Best Supporting Actor in a Gay Role

TLA Gaybie

Winner(s): James Marsden


The head of a high school reunion committee tries to get the most popular guy in school to attend their class' upcoming 20-year reunion.

All his life, Dan Landsman (Jack Black) has never been the cool guy. That's about to change - if he can convince Oliver Lawless (Marsden), the most popular guy from his high school who's now the face of a national Banana Boat ad campaign, to show up with him to their class reunion. A man on a mission, Dan travels from Pittsburgh to LA and spins a web of lies to recruit Lawless. But he gets more than he bargains for as the unpredictable Lawless proceeds to take over his home, career, and entire life. Showcasing Jack Black and James Marsden's most outrageous performances to date, THE D TRAIN serves up the question: how far would you go to be popular? Co-starring Kathryn Hahn and Jeffrey Tambor.


The head of a high school reunion committee tries to get the most popular guy in school to attend their class' upcoming 20-year reunion.


All his life, Dan Landsman (Jack Black) has never been the cool guy. That's about to change - if he can convince Oliver Lawless (Marsden), the most popular guy from his high school who's now the face of a national Banana Boat ad campaign, to show up with him to their class reunion. A man on a mission, Dan travels from Pittsburgh to LA and spins a web of lies to recruit Lawless. But he gets more than he bargains for as the unpredictable Lawless proceeds to take over his home, career, and entire life. Showcasing Jack Black and James Marsden's most outrageous performances to date, THE D TRAIN serves up the question: how far would you go to be popular? Co-starring Kathryn Hahn and Jeffrey Tambor.


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James Marsden


Jack Black


Kathryn Hahn





Andrew Mogel


Jarrad Paul


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