Dorian Blues

'Dorian Blues', 2004

High school senior Dorian begins a gay man's odyssey when he determines that he's gay and decides to come out. Chief among concerns is the reaction of his father, who has never liked him.

High school senior Dorian begins a gay man's odyssey when he determines that he's gay and decides to come out. Chief among concerns is the reaction of his father, who has never liked him.


88 minutes




Comedy, Romance, Drama


gay, high school, character name in title, father, nyu

Movie poster image
Dorian Blues

Tennyson Bardwell, 2004

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1




No displayable awards available.


High school senior Dorian begins a gay man's odyssey when he determines that he's gay and decides to come out. Chief among concerns is the reaction of his father, who has never liked him.

Coming-of-age. A small-town young man realizes why he's such a misfit - he's gay! Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. He's an outcast and the butt of classmates' fag jokes at high school. He's different and understands why when he reaches the conclusion that he's a "stereotypical gay." He soon announces this discovery to his homophobic, Nixon-loving dad. As Dad throws him out of the house, Dorian's off to NYU to encounter a new world of coffee houses, sophisticates and handsome men.


High school senior Dorian begins a gay man's odyssey when he determines that he's gay and decides to come out. Chief among concerns is the reaction of his father, who has never liked him.


Coming-of-age. A small-town young man realizes why he's such a misfit - he's gay! Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. He's an outcast and the butt of classmates' fag jokes at high school. He's different and understands why when he reaches the conclusion that he's a "stereotypical gay." He soon announces this discovery to his homophobic, Nixon-loving dad. As Dad throws him out of the house, Dorian's off to NYU to encounter a new world of coffee houses, sophisticates and handsome men.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Michael McMillian


Lea Coco


Steve Fletcher



Tennyson Bardwell


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