Secrets of War

'Oorlogsgeheimen', 2014

During WWII, the friendship of two boys is at risk when a girl tells a very personal secret to only one of them.

During WWII, the friendship of two boys is at risk when a girl tells a very personal secret to only one of them.


Dennis Bots


95 minutes






farm, friendship, resistance, year 1943, big brother

Movie poster image
Secrets of War

Dennis Bots, 2014

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm


Rembrandt Awards



Best Dutch Youth Film (Beste Nederlandse Jeugd Film)

Rembrandt Award


During WWII, the friendship of two boys is at risk when a girl tells a very personal secret to only one of them.

Summer 1943. Tuur and Lambert are best friends. The surrounding of their idyllic village has no secrets for the teenagers. From the farm of Lamberts dad to the marl caves in the woods - it's their world. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuur's dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems to be a part of it. Lambert's family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girl from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble. Tuur not only risks losing his friendship with Lambert, but even his whole family. He will have to stop at nothing to safeguard both.


During WWII, the friendship of two boys is at risk when a girl tells a very personal secret to only one of them.


Summer 1943. Tuur and Lambert are best friends. The surrounding of their idyllic village has no secrets for the teenagers. From the farm of Lamberts dad to the marl caves in the woods - it's their world. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuur's dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems to be a part of it. Lambert's family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girl from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble. Tuur not only risks losing his friendship with Lambert, but even his whole family. He will have to stop at nothing to safeguard both.


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Cast & crew


Maas Bronkhuyzen


Joes Brauers


Michael Nierse




Tanja Chung


Karin van Holst Pellekaan


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