The Prey

'The Prey', 2018

After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.

After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.


Jimmy Henderson


90 minutes






prison, survival, fight, hunt, jungle

Movie poster image
The Prey

Jimmy Henderson, 2018

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1




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After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.

Undercover Chinese cop Xin is on a secret international mission when a surprise raid puts him in a remote jungle prison that plays by its own rules. Here, the visitors are wealthy thrill seekers. The guards are hostile puppet masters. And the prisoners are simply pawns in a high stakes game of human hunting human. It started as just another bad day for the do-gooder cop. That day gets a whole lot worse when the diabolical Warden singles Xin out for death at the hands of affluent hunters looking for the world's ultimate kill. After years of hunting down ruthless criminals, Xin suddenly finds himself running for his life. If Xin manages to survive this sadistic game, he'll walk out of the jungle the same way he came in: as a free man. If Xin fails, he's dead meat - and just another hunting trophy.


After years of tracking down international criminals, a trip to a remote jungle prison will force Chinese cop Xin to become human prey to fight for his freedom - and to save his own life.


Undercover Chinese cop Xin is on a secret international mission when a surprise raid puts him in a remote jungle prison that plays by its own rules. Here, the visitors are wealthy thrill seekers. The guards are hostile puppet masters. And the prisoners are simply pawns in a high stakes game of human hunting human. It started as just another bad day for the do-gooder cop. That day gets a whole lot worse when the diabolical Warden singles Xin out for death at the hands of affluent hunters looking for the world's ultimate kill. After years of hunting down ruthless criminals, Xin suddenly finds himself running for his life. If Xin manages to survive this sadistic game, he'll walk out of the jungle the same way he came in: as a free man. If Xin fails, he's dead meat - and just another hunting trophy.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Byron Bishop


Sahajak Boonthanakit


Nophand Boonyai




Jimmy Henderson


Michael Hodgson


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