Broken Blood

'Broken Blood', 2013

Sometimes families are tied together by more than just blood.

Sometimes families are tied together by more than just blood.


82 minutes






murder, love, texas, fight, small town

Movie poster image
Broken Blood

Derek Wayne Johnson, 2013

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1




Phenom Film Fest, US



Best Louisiana Filmmaker Feature Film

Festival Award


Sometimes families are tied together by more than just blood.

Years ago Stanley DeBrock, a mentally challenged man, was implicated in the disappearance of Naomi Bridges. Now his twin brother Stone must restore honor to the DeBrock name. Returning home to the small East Texas town of Atwood, Stone is immediately thrown into the mix of a tragic past and an uncertain future. With hopes of rekindling a relationship with his life-long love Diane, Stone encounters his biggest challenge...finding the strength to forgive Stanley. Meanwhile, Stone's uncle Earl Wayne is in debt with two local drug lords...a debt which he cannot pay. Desperate, Earl Wayne and his brother Peebo force Stone into a scheme against Stone's father in order to save themselves. With drama, suspense, and a shocking conclusion, the darkest secrets of the DeBrock family are revealed.


Sometimes families are tied together by more than just blood.


Years ago Stanley DeBrock, a mentally challenged man, was implicated in the disappearance of Naomi Bridges. Now his twin brother Stone must restore honor to the DeBrock name. Returning home to the small East Texas town of Atwood, Stone is immediately thrown into the mix of a tragic past and an uncertain future. With hopes of rekindling a relationship with his life-long love Diane, Stone encounters his biggest challenge...finding the strength to forgive Stanley. Meanwhile, Stone's uncle Earl Wayne is in debt with two local drug lords...a debt which he cannot pay. Desperate, Earl Wayne and his brother Peebo force Stone into a scheme against Stone's father in order to save themselves. With drama, suspense, and a shocking conclusion, the darkest secrets of the DeBrock family are revealed.


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Derek Wayne Johnson


Marc Macaulay


Pruitt Taylor Vince



Derek Wayne Johnson


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