...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him

'...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him', 1994

Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing...

Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing...


Severo Perez


99 minutes






song, school, texas, minnesota, migrant

Movie poster image
...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him

Severo Perez, 1994

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Screening formats

35 mm


NCLR Bravo Awards



Outstanding Individual Performance in Made for Television Movie or Mini-Series

NCLR Bravo Award


Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing...

Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing is awful, sometimes the boss furnishes no water as the hands labor, and TB goes untreated. In good times the pay is $15 a day for adults, half that for children. For a few sordid weeks, his parents leave him in the care of a corrupt couple, he's expelled from school for hitting back, and he finds solace in a graveyard. As his parents long for their missing son, as folks gather around a local troubadour for songs of romance, comedy, and heartbreak, Marcos observes and remembers.


Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing...


Marcos is a lad in Texas, the second son of a migrant farmworker family, his brother is missing in the Korean war. We travel with the family into Minnesota, following the crops. The housing is awful, sometimes the boss furnishes no water as the hands labor, and TB goes untreated. In good times the pay is $15 a day for adults, half that for children. For a few sordid weeks, his parents leave him in the care of a corrupt couple, he's expelled from school for hitting back, and he finds solace in a graveyard. As his parents long for their missing son, as folks gather around a local troubadour for songs of romance, comedy, and heartbreak, Marcos observes and remembers.


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Cast & crew


Jose Alcala


Rose Portillo


Art Bonilla




Severo Perez


Tomás Rivera


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