Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad to Launch in 2021
film development visegrad feature film

Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad to Launch in 2021

The first edition will offer a creative environment in Bratislava, where three resident filmmakers will work on their feature film projects with international mentors.

The Pop Up Film Residency is proud & excited to announce a new initiative for 2021, in cooperation with Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, and New Horizons International Film Festival.

The Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad will be a Residency program open to filmmakers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The first edition will offer a creative environment in Bratislava, where three residents will work on their feature film projects with international mentors.

At the same time, the residents will also be able to exchange with the fellow filmmakers from Visegrad Countries and the Slovak filmmaking community at large.

The participating projects from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland are selected in cooperation with our partners from national projects presented at Budapest Debut Film Forum 2020, New Horizons Studio+ 2020, and the Emerging Producers.

The residencies will take place in Bratislava from 10-31 March 2021.

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Matchmaking 1/9

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals
