Cannes Mistakes to Learn From
cannes tipsandtricks

Cannes Mistakes to Learn From

We have been going to Cannes each year, and you cannot imagine the number of mistakes we have made festival after festival. The good news is that we learn something new every year. Read on to make sure you avoid our errors!

Mistake Nr. 1 ‘Play as you go’ doesn’t work in Cannes

Study and research the programme before the festival begins. Plan your schedule, including screenings, meetings, and parties so that you have time for everything. It’s harder than you think – everyone is spoilt for choice here!

Mistake Nr. 2 Ignoring invitations

Turning down a party invitation only to find out later that Adam Driver was one of the guests – can you imagine how that feels afterwards?! Party with film enthusiast – and yes, A listers! – from all around the world. Make sure to go to the International Village to find out all about the film production of far away countries, and to try amazing treats, like Middle Eastern sweets or cloudberry liqueur from Finland!

Mistake Nr. 3 Losing your way on the Croisette

Familiarise yourself with the map of Cannes. Go location scouting on your first day, and remember the barriers to avoid and the shortcuts to use in the times of need! Memorise the venues and the best ways to get from cinema to cinema. Knowing the exact location of each entry point is essential. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, too. Leave the heels for the red carpet. Which brings us to…

Mistake Nr. 4 Bringing comfy and not too elegant clothes only

A set of elegant clothes in your bag is essential – festival goers are regularly forced to turn down tickets for important red carpet premieres purely because they are not wearing the right outfit! Men, beware brown shoes, ladies, pack your heels or smart ballerinas!

Mistake Nr. 5 Spending too much time indoors 

After all, you are on the Côte d'Azur! Organise meetings on the beach. Sitting in the sand and taking it all in while discussing a future project – a perfect start for any collaboration! It will be a pleasant memory to refer back to later. You can even make a tradition out of it!

Mistake Nr. 6 Leaving sunscreen and raincoat at home

Prepare for extreme weather! Both the sun and the rain (occasionally tornado-like wind and thunderstorms) can strike you in Cannes in May. You come out of the screening room and you either burn in the blazing sun, or get soaked while trying to get to your next film. 

Mistake Nr. 7 Getting too much sleep

You can catch up on sleep when you go home. Almost every second spent sleeping in Cannes is an important cinema moment you lose. Don’t miss out on the amazing fact that right now, you are in the centre of the cinema universe!

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