All Tender Things

'Kaikki herkät jutut', 2020

All tender things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, more sacrifices are demanded. In a secular society experiences of the sacred are no longer commonly shared. Some people consider nature, homeland or religion as sacred. For others it can be totally different things. They might sanctify love, the body, food or art. Can we honor other people’s sacred values?

All tender things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, more sacrifices are demanded. In a secular society experiences of the sacred are no longer commonly shared. Some people consider nature, homeland or religion as sacred. For others it can be totally different things. They might sanctify love, the body, food or art. Can we honor other people’s sacred values?


Tatu Pohjavirta


12 minutes




Animation, Drama


fired, sacrifice, honor, gathered, grows darker, sacred values, other's value

Movie poster image
All Tender Things

Tatu Pohjavirta, 2020

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No Dialogue


Tampere Film Festival





All Tender Things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, the fire demands more sacrifices.

All tender things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, more sacrifices are demanded. In a secular society experiences of the sacred are no longer commonly shared. Some people consider nature, homeland or religion as sacred. For others it can be totally different things. They might sanctify love, the body, food or art. Can we honor other people’s sacred values?

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All tender things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, more sacrifices are demanded. In a secular society experiences of the sacred are no longer commonly shared. Some people consider nature, homeland or religion as sacred. For others it can be totally different things. They might sanctify love, the body, food or art. Can we honor other people’s sacred values?


No displayable synopsis available


All Tender Things tells a story about six characters gathered around a campfire. When the flames starts to fade the fire needs to be fed. Books are sufficient at first, but as the night grows darker, the fire demands more sacrifices.

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