Sonia Loves, Sonia Doesn't

'Соня любит, Соня не любит', 2020

One day, spent in the expectation of the upcoming happiness: walking around the town, shop after shop, two sisters check out the long chosen presents for a birthday. Whose birthday? Sonya the doll. Yes. It’s just a little bit longer to wait, the whole eternity, for them to be together forever and not just see each other through the shop’s window. But what if Sonya leaves for another girl before the day X? How easy an adult world can destroy children’s plan! Everyone knows that. But in this story everything will be different.

One day, spent in the expectation of the upcoming happiness: walking around the town, shop after shop, two sisters check out the long chosen presents for a birthday. Whose birthday? Sonya the doll. Yes. It’s just a little bit longer to wait, the whole eternity, for them to be together forever and not just see each other through the shop’s window. But what if Sonya leaves for another girl before the day X? How easy an adult world can destroy children’s plan! Everyone knows that. But in this story everything will be different.


Natalia Beliaeva


15 minutes





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Sonia Loves, Sonia Doesn't

Natalia Beliaeva, 2020

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Russia, Slovakia




Tempus Film Festival



Best Film


One day, spent in the expectation of the upcoming happiness: walking around the town, shop after shop, two sisters check out the long chosen presents for a birthday. Whose birthday? Sonya the doll. Yes. It’s just a little bit longer to wait, the whole eternity, for them to be together forever and not just see each other through the shop’s window. But what if Sonya leaves for another girl before the day X? How easy an adult world can destroy children’s plan! Everyone knows that. But in this story everything will be different.

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One day, spent in the expectation of the upcoming happiness: walking around the town, shop after shop, two sisters check out the long chosen presents for a birthday. Whose birthday? Sonya the doll. Yes. It’s just a little bit longer to wait, the whole eternity, for them to be together forever and not just see each other through the shop’s window. But what if Sonya leaves for another girl before the day X? How easy an adult world can destroy children’s plan! Everyone knows that. But in this story everything will be different.


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