The Voice

'Ses', 2010

Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though...

Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though...


Ümit Ünal


97 minutes





Movie poster image
The Voice

Ümit Ünal, 2010

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Color (HD) | Color


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Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though...

Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though the young girl tries to come from the beginning with no sound, the sound soon begins to control the young girl's life. The voice, asking Derya to follow her business boss Onur, turns the young girl's life into a horrifying nightmare.


Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though...


Derya is a young girl who works at the call center of a bank and lives with her mother. Derya's life is turning to nightmare by the emergence of a voice in which begins to hear. Even though the young girl tries to come from the beginning with no sound, the sound soon begins to control the young girl's life. The voice, asking Derya to follow her business boss Onur, turns the young girl's life into a horrifying nightmare.


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Mehmet Günsür


Selma Ergeç


Isik Yenersu




Uygar Sirin


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