Priklyucheniya Elektronika

'Priklyucheniya Elektronika', 1979

Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and ...

Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and ...


215 minutes






mixed identity, tv mini series, child protagonist, child in peril, child kidnapping

Movie poster image
Priklyucheniya Elektronika

Konstantin Bromberg, 1979

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Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and ...

Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and its dream is to become a real man. Electronic escapes from the professor's lab and accidentally meets Sergey, his prototype. Meanwhile, a gang lead by Stump is trying to kidnap Electronic to make him steal pictures from museums. For this purpose they send their hitman Urrie.


Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and ...


Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkin, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and its dream is to become a real man. Electronic escapes from the professor's lab and accidentally meets Sergey, his prototype. Meanwhile, a gang lead by Stump is trying to kidnap Electronic to make him steal pictures from museums. For this purpose they send their hitman Urrie.


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Yuriy Torsuev


Vladimir Torsuev


Vasiliy Skromnyy



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