
'Charlatan', 2020

The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.

The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.


118 minutes




Drama, Historical/Epic


communism, crime, healer, sience

Movie poster image

Agnieszka Holland, 2020

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Czech Republic, Poland






Poland, Torún


Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival

Official Selection





Golden Frog

Golden Frog


The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants.

The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.

The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.


The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.


The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants. His remedies and prescriptions, although mostly plant-based, included lifestyle and dietary changes. He healed not only poor people from the villages but also many well-known people, including the Czechoslovakian president, Antonin Zápotocký. Mikolášek's diagnostic methods and notorious healing got the attention of the Czech Communist regime. He was finally arrested after strychnine was found in the bodies of two men he had treated.


The life of Jan Mikolášek, a well-known and successful Czech healer, who diagnosed and healed people using his intuition and his familiarity with plants.

Cast & crew


Jan Vlasák


Juraj Loj


Joachim Paul Assböck



Marek Epstein


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