Damaged Goods

'Damaged Goods', 2019

Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her ...

Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her ...




75 minutes






avant garde, coming of age, lgbtq, web series, cult

Movie poster image
Damaged Goods


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Aspect ratio

16 : 9


Color (hd)


The Streamy Awards



Best Indie Series

Streamy Award


Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her ...

Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her voice in the group. Sanavi plots to break up the "boys club" at work and faces discrimination head-on. Ezra drives Daisy to the airport and becomes a statistic to make rent. Rise and grind.


Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her ...


Four roommates start their work week off on the wrong foot. Caleb is a messy club kid who can't seem to find his footing in life. Marlo's energy is off balance as she attempts to find her voice in the group. Sanavi plots to break up the "boys club" at work and faces discrimination head-on. Ezra drives Daisy to the airport and becomes a statistic to make rent. Rise and grind.


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Cast & crew


Abena Boamah


Nosakhere A. Cash-O'Bannon


Aashvi Patel


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