
'Babel', 2006

Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.

Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.


143 minutes






public nudity, original story, american, deaf girl, mini skirt

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm (partial blow-up) (Kodak Vision Premier 2393)


The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards



Most Overrated Film

Stinker Award


Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.

4 interlocking stories connected by a single gun converge at the end to reveal a complex and tragic story of the lives of humanity around the world and how we truly aren't all that different. In Morocco, a troubled married couple are on vacation trying to work out their differences. Meanwhile, a Moroccan herder buys a rifle for his sons so they can keep the jackals away from his herd. A girl in Japan dealing with rejection, the death of her mother, the emotional distance of her father, her own self-consciousness, and a disability among many other issues, deals with modern life in the enormous metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. Then, on the opposite side of the world the married couple's Mexican nanny takes the couple's 2 children with her to her son's wedding in Mexico, only to come into trouble on the return trip. Combined, it provides a powerful story and an equally powerful looking glass into the lives of seemingly random people around the world and it shows just how connected we really ...


Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.


4 interlocking stories connected by a single gun converge at the end to reveal a complex and tragic story of the lives of humanity around the world and how we truly aren't all that different. In Morocco, a troubled married couple are on vacation trying to work out their differences. Meanwhile, a Moroccan herder buys a rifle for his sons so they can keep the jackals away from his herd. A girl in Japan dealing with rejection, the death of her mother, the emotional distance of her father, her own self-consciousness, and a disability among many other issues, deals with modern life in the enormous metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. Then, on the opposite side of the world the married couple's Mexican nanny takes the couple's 2 children with her to her son's wedding in Mexico, only to come into trouble on the return trip. Combined, it provides a powerful story and an equally powerful looking glass into the lives of seemingly random people around the world and it shows just how connected we really ...


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Cast & crew


Brad Pitt


Cate Blanchett


Gael García Bernal



Guillermo Arriaga


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