I Call First

'I Call First', 2015

A touching love story about a couple unable to bridge the gap between their divergent worlds.

A touching love story about a couple unable to bridge the gap between their divergent worlds.


70 minutes




Comedy, Drama


written by director, enigma, written by star, psycho terror, cameo

Movie poster image
I Call First

Alexander Raye Pimentel, 2015

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A touching love story about a couple unable to bridge the gap between their divergent worlds.

Bobby (Anthony Cillo) is a typical young man on the streets of Denver, Colorado. Even as an adult, he stays close to home with a core group of friends with whom he drinks and hangs around. He gets involved with a local girl (Hannah Richter) he met on the RTD Light Rail, and decides he wants to get married and settle down. As they get deeper into their relationship, he declines her offer to have sex because he thinks she is a virgin and he wants to wait. One day, the girl tells him that she was once raped by a former boyfriend. This crushes Bobby. He rejects her and attempts to return to his old life of immaturity with his friends. However, after a particularly wild party with friends, he realizes he still loves her and returns to her apartment one early morning. He awkwardly tells her that he forgives her and says that he will "marry her anyway." Upon hearing this, the girl tells him marriage would never work if her past weighs on him so much. Bobby becomes enraged, but quickly ...


A touching love story about a couple unable to bridge the gap between their divergent worlds.


Bobby (Anthony Cillo) is a typical young man on the streets of Denver, Colorado. Even as an adult, he stays close to home with a core group of friends with whom he drinks and hangs around. He gets involved with a local girl (Hannah Richter) he met on the RTD Light Rail, and decides he wants to get married and settle down. As they get deeper into their relationship, he declines her offer to have sex because he thinks she is a virgin and he wants to wait. One day, the girl tells him that she was once raped by a former boyfriend. This crushes Bobby. He rejects her and attempts to return to his old life of immaturity with his friends. However, after a particularly wild party with friends, he realizes he still loves her and returns to her apartment one early morning. He awkwardly tells her that he forgives her and says that he will "marry her anyway." Upon hearing this, the girl tells him marriage would never work if her past weighs on him so much. Bobby becomes enraged, but quickly ...


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Cast & crew


Nicholas Winand


Hannah Richter


Fay Rebuelta



Alexander Raye Pimentel


Martin Scorsese


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