Astronauts, Vikings and Ghosts

'Astronauts, Vikings and Ghosts', 2011

Photographer Robert Haines returns to his home town of Merthyr Tydfil after 40 years to trace his family and friends he had photographed in the '70s.

Photographer Robert Haines returns to his home town of Merthyr Tydfil after 40 years to trace his family and friends he had photographed in the '70s.


Robert Haines


59 minutes






interview, photography

Movie poster image
Astronauts, Vikings and Ghosts

Robert Haines, 2011

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Photographer Robert Haines returns to his home town of Merthyr Tydfil after 40 years to trace his family and friends he had photographed in the '70s.

In the 70's, in his hometown of Merthyr Tydfil, 19 year old photography student Robert Haines photographed his family, his friends, and sometimes just total strangers, capturing what he thought were ordinary moments in the lives of ordinary people. He took hundreds of photographs, put them in a box and forgot about them. Forty years later he rediscovered the box. Suddenly the people in the photographs didn't seem so ordinary any more. Now everybody wanted to see the images. A book and an exhibitions followed. Intrigued, he decided to try and find the people he'd photographed. He wanted to find out what their lives had been like. Some hadn't had the chance to grow old, but others told him about the life they'd led, since that single moment he'd recorded all those years ago.


Photographer Robert Haines returns to his home town of Merthyr Tydfil after 40 years to trace his family and friends he had photographed in the '70s.


In the 70's, in his hometown of Merthyr Tydfil, 19 year old photography student Robert Haines photographed his family, his friends, and sometimes just total strangers, capturing what he thought were ordinary moments in the lives of ordinary people. He took hundreds of photographs, put them in a box and forgot about them. Forty years later he rediscovered the box. Suddenly the people in the photographs didn't seem so ordinary any more. Now everybody wanted to see the images. A book and an exhibitions followed. Intrigued, he decided to try and find the people he'd photographed. He wanted to find out what their lives had been like. Some hadn't had the chance to grow old, but others told him about the life they'd led, since that single moment he'd recorded all those years ago.


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Stuart De Jong


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