Fire Emblem: Three Houses

'Faiâ emuburemu: Fuuka setsugetsu', 2019

On the continent of Fódlan, divided between three rival nations, a newly hired professor at Garreg Mach Monastery must choose a nation to support and guide just as a conspiracy begins to reopen Fódlan's dark and violent past.

On the continent of Fódlan, divided between three rival nations, a newly hired professor at Garreg Mach Monastery must choose a nation to support and guide just as a conspiracy begins to reopen Fódlan's dark and violent past.






Action, Drama


sequel, nintendo switch, single player, role playing game, fire emblem

Movie poster image
Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Genki Yokota, Toshiyuki Kusakihara, 2019

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The Game Awards



Best Strategy Game

The Game Award



Player's Voice

The Game Award


On the continent of Fódlan, divided between three rival nations, a newly hired professor at Garreg Mach Monastery must choose a nation to support and guide just as a conspiracy begins to reopen Fódlan's dark and violent past.

The game takes place on the continent of Fódlan. The landmass is divided into three rival nations who are now at peace: the Adrestian Empire to the south and west, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to the north, and the Leicester Alliance to the east. At the center of the continent is the Garegg Mach monastery, home of the Church of Seiros and its Officer's Academy. The academy comprises three houses, each populated with students from their respective nations: The Black Eagles, Blue Lions or Golden Deer. The player assumes the role of Byleth, and may choose their name and gender. Once part of a mercenary group led by their father Jeralt, Byleth is offered a position to teach at the academy after an unexpected incident. As they start to teach their students, including Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude, the heirs of their respective home countries, Byleth begins to see Sothis, a mysterious girl only they can see.


On the continent of Fódlan, divided between three rival nations, a newly hired professor at Garreg Mach Monastery must choose a nation to support and guide just as a conspiracy begins to reopen Fódlan's dark and violent past.


The game takes place on the continent of Fódlan. The landmass is divided into three rival nations who are now at peace: the Adrestian Empire to the south and west, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to the north, and the Leicester Alliance to the east. At the center of the continent is the Garegg Mach monastery, home of the Church of Seiros and its Officer's Academy. The academy comprises three houses, each populated with students from their respective nations: The Black Eagles, Blue Lions or Golden Deer. The player assumes the role of Byleth, and may choose their name and gender. Once part of a mercenary group led by their father Jeralt, Byleth is offered a position to teach at the academy after an unexpected incident. As they start to teach their students, including Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude, the heirs of their respective home countries, Byleth begins to see Sothis, a mysterious girl only they can see.


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Cast & crew


Yûsuke Kobayashi


Shizuka Itô


Ai Kakuma




Yuki Ikeno


Ryohei Hayashi


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