Minha Vida é um Circo

'Minha Vida é um Circo', 2018

"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test ...

"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test ...




60 minutes




Documentary, Comedy


travel, circus, clown

Movie poster image
Minha Vida é um Circo


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Color (Full HD)


Telly Awards



Documentary Series

Gold Telly


"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test ...

"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test the talents of each one and the destiny of the troupe itself. Whether it's with trapeze artists inside France or with Cirque de Soleil artists in Las Vegas, with a famous anarchist clown in Spain or anonymous acrobats from Mexican Lucha Libre, each of these encounters will reveal the unique, captivating and inspiring universe of the circus. Along with them, we will live this lifestyle that dialogues with great contemporary issues. We are talking about collaborative spirit, sharing, purpose in work, sustainability, mobility, material detachment and, above all, the primordial value of freedom.


"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test ...


"My Life is a Circus" is an 8-episode documentary series that follows a circus troupe along a grand voyage in search of inspiration. A journey full of challenges that will put to the test the talents of each one and the destiny of the troupe itself. Whether it's with trapeze artists inside France or with Cirque de Soleil artists in Las Vegas, with a famous anarchist clown in Spain or anonymous acrobats from Mexican Lucha Libre, each of these encounters will reveal the unique, captivating and inspiring universe of the circus. Along with them, we will live this lifestyle that dialogues with great contemporary issues. We are talking about collaborative spirit, sharing, purpose in work, sustainability, mobility, material detachment and, above all, the primordial value of freedom.


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Cast & crew


André Carvalho


Gustavo Carvalho


Cafi Otta


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