Imagine Dragons: Believer

'Imagine Dragons: Believer', 2017

Dan Reynolds appears to be overmatched in a boxing match with Dolph Lundgren. There are intermittent cuts to Dan as a child sketching in a notepad.

Dan Reynolds appears to be overmatched in a boxing match with Dolph Lundgren. There are intermittent cuts to Dan as a child sketching in a notepad.


Matt Eastin


4 minutes






music video, close up of eye, close up of eyes, close up of mouth

Movie poster image
Imagine Dragons: Believer

Matt Eastin, 2017

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Dan Reynolds appears to be overmatched in a boxing match with Dolph Lundgren. There are intermittent cuts to Dan as a child sketching in a notepad.

The music video was released on March 7, 2017 and features a boxing match between Dan Reynolds and Dolph Lundgren. It was directed by Matt Eastin and it features what seems to be a young Dan drawing on his notepad in scenes. It is obvious that Dan is losing, and he says that he wants to stop, with Dolph replying, "We can't," making it sound like they are forced to fight by an upper authority. It ends with Dan barely conscious, and we get to see what young Dan sketched: a symbol identical to the one on his chest as an adult.


Dan Reynolds appears to be overmatched in a boxing match with Dolph Lundgren. There are intermittent cuts to Dan as a child sketching in a notepad.


The music video was released on March 7, 2017 and features a boxing match between Dan Reynolds and Dolph Lundgren. It was directed by Matt Eastin and it features what seems to be a young Dan drawing on his notepad in scenes. It is obvious that Dan is losing, and he says that he wants to stop, with Dolph replying, "We can't," making it sound like they are forced to fight by an upper authority. It ends with Dan barely conscious, and we get to see what young Dan sketched: a symbol identical to the one on his chest as an adult.


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Imagine Dragons


Dolph Lundgren


Ben McKee




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