Sebastian's Voodoo

'Sebastian's Voodoo', 2008

A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.

A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.


Joaquin Baldwin


4 minutes




Short, Animation


surrealism, spirituality, voodoo, university of california los angeles, dark

Movie poster image
Sebastian's Voodoo

Joaquin Baldwin, 2008

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Aspect ratio

1.78 : 1 (High Definition)




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A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.

A tattered voodoo doll slowly wakes up from its slumber and realises that it is next in line for being stabbed through the heart by the pitiless High Priest of Voodoo. On its loosely-woven, plain canvas little body, a prominent scarlet "X" marks the tiny heart; if the Priest pierces it, it will be the end and a new rag doll will take its place. When you are so small and insignificant, it takes a lot of courage to defy your oppressors, nevertheless, has the doll what it takes to save himself and his fellows?


A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.


A tattered voodoo doll slowly wakes up from its slumber and realises that it is next in line for being stabbed through the heart by the pitiless High Priest of Voodoo. On its loosely-woven, plain canvas little body, a prominent scarlet "X" marks the tiny heart; if the Priest pierces it, it will be the end and a new rag doll will take its place. When you are so small and insignificant, it takes a lot of courage to defy your oppressors, nevertheless, has the doll what it takes to save himself and his fellows?


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Joaquin Baldwin


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