La Bestia - Train of the Unknowns

'La Bestia - Train of the Unknowns', 2019

"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in ...

"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in ...


Manuel Inacker


24 minutes





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La Bestia - Train of the Unknowns

Manuel Inacker, 2019

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"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in ...

"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in freight train carriages, which everyone here just calls "La Bestia," the beast.


"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in ...


"Casa del Migrante" in Huehuetoca, a suburb at the gates of Mexico City, is a safe haven for migrants. At least for two days. Then they must go on with their journey towards north in freight train carriages, which everyone here just calls "La Bestia," the beast.


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