Jhankaar Beats

'Jhankaar Beats', 2003

Two copywriter brothers and their apprentice compete in a music contest.

Two copywriter brothers and their apprentice compete in a music contest.


Sujoy Ghosh


143 minutes






divorce, advertising, pregnant wife, music contest, condom

Movie poster image
Jhankaar Beats

Sujoy Ghosh, 2003

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Two copywriter brothers and their apprentice compete in a music contest.

The jobs of "Sholay" obsessed Deep and Rishi are on the line with their advertising firm if they do not come up with a one-liner for Mr. Roy's condoms. While Deep resides with his pregnant wife, Shanti, and a daughter, Muskaan; Rishi has separated from his wife, Nicki, and depends on Shanti for meals, apprehending a bitter divorce. When the time comes close to delivering her child, Shanti's mom moves in them temporarily, much to the chagrin of Deep. Shanti would like Nicki and Rishi to meet and patch-up their differences, however, Rishi knows that Nicki is having an affair with her attorney, and is not inclined in this direction. The main obsession for Deep and Rishi is Bollywood's music maestro, Rahul Dev Burman; and 'Jhankaar Beats' a contest they had competed to win in vain. With the deadline for Mr. Roy's one-liner closing in, Rishi gets an offer to work in America, jeopardizing any chance the group may have for competing in the upcoming 'Jhankaar Beats'.


Two copywriter brothers and their apprentice compete in a music contest.


The jobs of "Sholay" obsessed Deep and Rishi are on the line with their advertising firm if they do not come up with a one-liner for Mr. Roy's condoms. While Deep resides with his pregnant wife, Shanti, and a daughter, Muskaan; Rishi has separated from his wife, Nicki, and depends on Shanti for meals, apprehending a bitter divorce. When the time comes close to delivering her child, Shanti's mom moves in them temporarily, much to the chagrin of Deep. Shanti would like Nicki and Rishi to meet and patch-up their differences, however, Rishi knows that Nicki is having an affair with her attorney, and is not inclined in this direction. The main obsession for Deep and Rishi is Bollywood's music maestro, Rahul Dev Burman; and 'Jhankaar Beats' a contest they had competed to win in vain. With the deadline for Mr. Roy's one-liner closing in, Rishi gets an offer to work in America, jeopardizing any chance the group may have for competing in the upcoming 'Jhankaar Beats'.


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Juhi Chawla


Sanjay Suri


Rahul Bose




Milap Zaveri


Sujoy Ghosh


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