Red Cockroaches

'Red Cockroaches', 2003

First of a Trilogy: In a New York ravaged with acid rains, a man in his twenties meets a mysterious, yet familiar young woman who disrupts the banality of his day-to-day existence. Together, they will embark on a surreal journey with a devastating climax.

First of a Trilogy: In a New York ravaged with acid rains, a man in his twenties meets a mysterious, yet familiar young woman who disrupts the banality of his day-to-day existence. Together, they will embark on a surreal journey with a devastating climax.


Miguel Coyula


82 minutes






brother sister incest, sex with sister, brother sister sex, sex with brother, acid rain

Movie poster image
Red Cockroaches

Miguel Coyula, 2003

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Aspect ratio

1.33 : 1


Color | Black and White

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First of a Trilogy: In a New York ravaged with acid rains, a man in his twenties meets a mysterious, yet familiar young woman who disrupts the banality of his day-to-day existence. Together, they will embark on a surreal journey with a devastating climax.

At the train station, at a grave-site, a bored young man keeps running into a mysterious woman, who has a French accent. Then she turns up at his mother's house as his long lost sister - only she's lost the accent. His infatuation with her continues and they have sex, knowing full well their own blood relationship. Other sex, more deviant is mostly hinted at - such as when Lily asks her brother Adam if he really loves her, that he'd accept anything from her body. In the city ravaged by acid rain and overrun by mysterious crimson cockroaches, life is spent under the constant watch of the omnipresent DNA21 Corporation.


First of a Trilogy: In a New York ravaged with acid rains, a man in his twenties meets a mysterious, yet familiar young woman who disrupts the banality of his day-to-day existence. Together, they will embark on a surreal journey with a devastating climax.


At the train station, at a grave-site, a bored young man keeps running into a mysterious woman, who has a French accent. Then she turns up at his mother's house as his long lost sister - only she's lost the accent. His infatuation with her continues and they have sex, knowing full well their own blood relationship. Other sex, more deviant is mostly hinted at - such as when Lily asks her brother Adam if he really loves her, that he'd accept anything from her body. In the city ravaged by acid rain and overrun by mysterious crimson cockroaches, life is spent under the constant watch of the omnipresent DNA21 Corporation.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Adam Plotch


Talia Rubel


Diane Spodarek




Miguel Coyula


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