Las Nogas

'Las Nogas'

500 years from now, Earth is nearly decimated from rain-less centuries and ecological collapse caused by selfish human inaction. Can a group of unlikely post-apocalyptic environmentalists save Gaia?

500 years from now, Earth is nearly decimated from rain-less centuries and ecological collapse caused by selfish human inaction. Can a group of unlikely post-apocalyptic environmentalists save Gaia?


Catya Plate






Short, Animation


ecology, climate change, rain, water, hope

Movie poster image
Las Nogas

Catya Plate,

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Rhode Island International Film Festival



Best Animation Script

Grand Prize


500 years from now, Earth is nearly decimated from rain-less centuries and ecological collapse caused by selfish human inaction. Can a group of unlikely post-apocalyptic environmentalists save Gaia?

500 years in the future, humans have died out, the rains have stopped, and Earth is mostly desert. Yet - there is hope. It is inhabited by a new breed of otherworldly scientists, THE CLOTHESPIN FREAKS, who are working hard to make the world green again. These two-headed Frankensteinian geniuses have created the selfless Homeys, kinder humans who have the special ability to bring back the rain with the help of elaborate machinery constructed by groundhog climatologist, Gormal, fluffy bird master engineer, Hitch, and a hive of dancing honey bees. But when the Homeys' sudden illness jeopardizes their master plan to re-hydrate Earth, these environmentalists implore Alma, another fluffy bird, Hitch's long time friend, and best healer in the land, to come to Las Nogas. After Alma rushes to Las Nogas on her turquoise Vespa, a mad race ensues as she frantically fights to find a cure. Will she be able to heal the Homeys in time to save the earth, and ensure the survival of its citizens? We can...


500 years from now, Earth is nearly decimated from rain-less centuries and ecological collapse caused by selfish human inaction. Can a group of unlikely post-apocalyptic environmentalists save Gaia?


500 years in the future, humans have died out, the rains have stopped, and Earth is mostly desert. Yet - there is hope. It is inhabited by a new breed of otherworldly scientists, THE CLOTHESPIN FREAKS, who are working hard to make the world green again. These two-headed Frankensteinian geniuses have created the selfless Homeys, kinder humans who have the special ability to bring back the rain with the help of elaborate machinery constructed by groundhog climatologist, Gormal, fluffy bird master engineer, Hitch, and a hive of dancing honey bees. But when the Homeys' sudden illness jeopardizes their master plan to re-hydrate Earth, these environmentalists implore Alma, another fluffy bird, Hitch's long time friend, and best healer in the land, to come to Las Nogas. After Alma rushes to Las Nogas on her turquoise Vespa, a mad race ensues as she frantically fights to find a cure. Will she be able to heal the Homeys in time to save the earth, and ensure the survival of its citizens? We can...


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Cast & crew


Misty Lee


Phil Miler


Clarissa Jacobson




Catya Plate


Joe Bratcher


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