Thirty Souls

'Trinta Lumes', 2017

Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it.

Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it.


Diana Toucedo


80 minutes





Movie poster image
Thirty Souls

Diana Toucedo, 2017

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1




Premios Fénix (Fenix Film Awards)



Best Cinematography - Documentary

Premio Fénix


Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it.

Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it. O Courel is a rural high-mountain land in the heart of Galicia (Spain), where many magical rituals prevail and where nature stands with a unique force capable of directing the lives of its inhabitants. Its own rhythm, tradition and heritage seek their survival through the transmission of the most intimate and sensible essences. "Thirty Lights" glares into the resistance of life against the impending mutation of death, by accompanying these girls into the moment of rite, a time where anything can happen in a world where only the belief in the invisible will capture all its energy and strength.


Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it.


Thirty Lights is a journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it. O Courel is a rural high-mountain land in the heart of Galicia (Spain), where many magical rituals prevail and where nature stands with a unique force capable of directing the lives of its inhabitants. Its own rhythm, tradition and heritage seek their survival through the transmission of the most intimate and sensible essences. "Thirty Lights" glares into the resistance of life against the impending mutation of death, by accompanying these girls into the moment of rite, a time where anything can happen in a world where only the belief in the invisible will capture all its energy and strength.


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Cast & crew


Alba Arias


Samuel Vilariño




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