
'Legiony', 2019

A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a ...

A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a ...


Dariusz Gajewski


140 minutes




Romance, Drama


world war one, patriotism, melodrama

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Dariusz Gajewski, 2019

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Polish Film Awards



Best Makeup (Najlepsza Charakteryzacja)



A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a ...

A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a deserter from the tsarists army who joins the emerging Legions, an intelligence agent for the I Brigade and Women's Leage member - Ola, and Tadek, her fiancee, a member of Shooting Team. Apart from fictitious characters whose stories were modeled on the biographies of real legionnaires, many historical figures appear in the film. Among them: Brigadier Józef Pilsudski, Lieutenant Stanislaw Kaszubski, pseud. "King" and many others. The film focuses on the Legion's combat trail from1914-1916, from the departure from Oleandry to the battle of Kosciuchnowka and show the most dramatic cards of the legionary epic, including the famous attack of uhlans at Rokitna - one of the most spectacular scenes in the film.


A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a ...


A universal story about entering adulthood in difficult times, growing up to the community. The great history is the background for the love story unfolding in the foreground: Józek, a deserter from the tsarists army who joins the emerging Legions, an intelligence agent for the I Brigade and Women's Leage member - Ola, and Tadek, her fiancee, a member of Shooting Team. Apart from fictitious characters whose stories were modeled on the biographies of real legionnaires, many historical figures appear in the film. Among them: Brigadier Józef Pilsudski, Lieutenant Stanislaw Kaszubski, pseud. "King" and many others. The film focuses on the Legion's combat trail from1914-1916, from the departure from Oleandry to the battle of Kosciuchnowka and show the most dramatic cards of the legionary epic, including the famous attack of uhlans at Rokitna - one of the most spectacular scenes in the film.


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Cast & crew


Sebastian Fabijanski


Bartosz Gelner


Wiktoria Wolanska




Dariusz Gajewski


Michal Godzic


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