Eleven Eleven

'Eleven Eleven', 2019

Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 ...

Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 ...




90 minutes






virtual reality movie

Movie poster image
Eleven Eleven


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PGA Awards



Innovation Award


Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 ...

Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 seconds to an extinction-level event. The only guarantee for survival is aboard a rescue ship that will launch just before the clock hits zero, transporting a lucky few to the safety of a floating ark in the sky. The narrative plays out in real-time and focuses on six main characters whose stories intersect as they try to make it to the ship, or face the reality of what could be their final moments.


Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 ...


Set on the island planet of Kairos Linea, Eleven Eleven is a multi-linear narrative that places users in the center of the action as its inhabitants count down the final 11 minutes and 11 seconds to an extinction-level event. The only guarantee for survival is aboard a rescue ship that will launch just before the clock hits zero, transporting a lucky few to the safety of a floating ark in the sky. The narrative plays out in real-time and focuses on six main characters whose stories intersect as they try to make it to the ship, or face the reality of what could be their final moments.


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Cast & crew


Paul-Mikél Williams


Enuka Okuma


Necar Zadegan



Mehrad Noori


Michael Salmon


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