Tatuapé Mahal Tower

'Edifício Tatuapé Mahal', 2014

Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the ...

Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the ...


10 minutes




Animation, Comedy, Drama

Movie poster image
Tatuapé Mahal Tower

Carolina Markowicz, Fernanda Salloum, 2014

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Paulínia Film Festival



Best Screenplay - Short Film (Melhor Roteiro - Curta Metragem)

Golden Girl Trophy


Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the ...

Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the city's many real state scale models. After a betrayal, he decides to change his life and travel around the world, figuring out many possibilities that he did not know about. But he never forgot about his real goal: come back and take revenge from the ones who disappointed him.


Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the ...


Tatuape Mahal Tower is an animation/experimental short film about the life story of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figure who decided to live in Sao Paulo to work in the city's many real state scale models. After a betrayal, he decides to change his life and travel around the world, figuring out many possibilities that he did not know about. But he never forgot about his real goal: come back and take revenge from the ones who disappointed him.


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Cast & crew


Daniel Hendler




Carolina Markowicz


Fernanda Salloum


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