Final Stop

'Final Stop', 2016

A last stop for gas before entering America's desert wasteland turns a family dream vacation into a small town nightmare for a teenage girl and her parents as they all become victims of a human trafficking ring.

A last stop for gas before entering America's desert wasteland turns a family dream vacation into a small town nightmare for a teenage girl and her parents as they all become victims of a human trafficking ring.


22 minutes




Short, Drama


child kidnapping, kidnapping, bound and gagged, child gagged, cleave gag

Movie poster image
Final Stop

Bobby Bosko Grubic, 2016

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A last stop for gas before entering America's desert wasteland turns a family dream vacation into a small town nightmare for a teenage girl and her parents as they all become victims of a human trafficking ring.

While traveling through a remote area of the U.S. on a family vacation, Marco, his wife Jenny and their 13-year-old daughter Kim are taken hostage by locals, as they stop to refresh at a local gas station in this last small town before entering the desert wasteland. Marco is able to free himself but too late as his wife and daughter are nowhere to be found. As Marco is trying to find his wife and daughter we learn quickly that Kim is a victim of human trafficking.


A last stop for gas before entering America's desert wasteland turns a family dream vacation into a small town nightmare for a teenage girl and her parents as they all become victims of a human trafficking ring.


While traveling through a remote area of the U.S. on a family vacation, Marco, his wife Jenny and their 13-year-old daughter Kim are taken hostage by locals, as they stop to refresh at a local gas station in this last small town before entering the desert wasteland. Marco is able to free himself but too late as his wife and daughter are nowhere to be found. As Marco is trying to find his wife and daughter we learn quickly that Kim is a victim of human trafficking.


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Cast & crew


Jenny Robinson


Keira McCarthy


Miraj Grbic



Enrique Almeida


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