Utopia Parkway

'Utopia Parkway', 1997

"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The ...

"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The ...


Joanna Priestley


5 minutes




Short, Animation


sculpture, experimental film

Movie poster image
Utopia Parkway

Joanna Priestley, 1997

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Aspect ratio

1.33 : 1




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"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The ...

"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The animation was made with drawings on index cards, molded replacement sculptures, wooden boxes, cigar boxes, bottles and seashells. "The works I found most compelling not only had an intellectual and emotional resonance beyond their construction, they also stood somewhere outside the traditional narrative. "Utopia Parkway" was especially a pleasure to watch." -Rachel Rosen, Northwest Film and Video Festival Juror


"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The ...


"Utopia Parkway" explores the magic of objects and transformation. It was inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell, who lived on Utopia Parkway (Queens, NY) nearly all of his life. The animation was made with drawings on index cards, molded replacement sculptures, wooden boxes, cigar boxes, bottles and seashells. "The works I found most compelling not only had an intellectual and emotional resonance beyond their construction, they also stood somewhere outside the traditional narrative. "Utopia Parkway" was especially a pleasure to watch." -Rachel Rosen, Northwest Film and Video Festival Juror


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Joanna Priestley


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