Give Up Tomorrow

'Give Up Tomorrow', 2011

When a teenager from a political family in the Philippines is accused of a double murder, the country's entire judicial system is put to the test after years of alleged corruption.

When a teenager from a political family in the Philippines is accused of a double murder, the country's entire judicial system is put to the test after years of alleged corruption.


Michael Collins


95 minutes






prison, human rights, spain, philippines, frame up

Movie poster image
Give Up Tomorrow

Michael Collins, 2011

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16:9 HD


Color (hd)


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When a teenager from a political family in the Philippines is accused of a double murder, the country's entire judicial system is put to the test after years of alleged corruption.

As a tropical storm beats down on the island of Cebu, two sisters leave work and never make it home... Simultaneously a murder-mystery and an exposé of endemic corruption in the Philippines today, GIVE UP TOMORROW looks intimately at the case of Paco Larrañaga, a student accused of killing two sisters in July 1997. In a way that is both specific to the country and disquietingly universal, the film exposes a Kafkaesque extravaganza populated by flamboyantly crooked public officials, cops on the take, and a frenzied legal and media circus. GIVE UP TOMORROW is also an intimate family drama focused on the near mythic struggle of two angry, sorrowful mothers who have dedicated more than a decade to executing or saving one young man.


When a teenager from a political family in the Philippines is accused of a double murder, the country's entire judicial system is put to the test after years of alleged corruption.


As a tropical storm beats down on the island of Cebu, two sisters leave work and never make it home... Simultaneously a murder-mystery and an exposé of endemic corruption in the Philippines today, GIVE UP TOMORROW looks intimately at the case of Paco Larrañaga, a student accused of killing two sisters in July 1997. In a way that is both specific to the country and disquietingly universal, the film exposes a Kafkaesque extravaganza populated by flamboyantly crooked public officials, cops on the take, and a frenzied legal and media circus. GIVE UP TOMORROW is also an intimate family drama focused on the near mythic struggle of two angry, sorrowful mothers who have dedicated more than a decade to executing or saving one young man.


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Michael Collins


Eric Daniel Metzgar


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