Babenco: Tell Me When I Die

'Babenco: Alguém Tem que Ouvir o Coração e Dizer Parou', 2019

A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses ...

A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses ...


Bárbara Paz


75 minutes





Movie poster image
Babenco: Tell Me When I Die

Bárbara Paz, 2019

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1


Black and White


Venice Film Festival



Best Documentary on Cinema

Venezia Classici Award


A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses ...

A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses to an Oscar nominated movie director. Polemical, controversial, demanding and genial, he won in Locarno, competed in Cannes, shone in Hollywood and directed titans like Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson and Willem Dafoe. He was a great filmmaker, he features in cinema reference books throughout the world, and is now the protagonist of the documentary Mr. Babenco. The film is a black and white poetic immersion in the filmmaker's recollections and dreams. Always in a lyrical, never journalistic tone, it closely follows his life and death. But as Hector had many lives, so also he had many deaths.


A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses ...


A blend of two nationalities, a master of the moving image, Hector was in life a little of everything - from a tomb salesman to spaghetti western extra, from a photographer of steakhouses to an Oscar nominated movie director. Polemical, controversial, demanding and genial, he won in Locarno, competed in Cannes, shone in Hollywood and directed titans like Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson and Willem Dafoe. He was a great filmmaker, he features in cinema reference books throughout the world, and is now the protagonist of the documentary Mr. Babenco. The film is a black and white poetic immersion in the filmmaker's recollections and dreams. Always in a lyrical, never journalistic tone, it closely follows his life and death. But as Hector had many lives, so also he had many deaths.


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Willem Dafoe


Hector Babenco


Regina Braga




Bárbara Paz


Maria Camargo


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