A Christmas Love Story

'A Christmas Love Story', 2019

A youth choir director (Chenoweth) needs to write a big song for the Christmas Eve show but "finds herself distracted" when a boy with a golden voice (Kevin Quinn) joins her choir, which will come as news to his widowed father (Wolf).

A youth choir director (Chenoweth) needs to write a big song for the Christmas Eve show but "finds herself distracted" when a boy with a golden voice (Kevin Quinn) joins her choir, which will come as news to his widowed father (Wolf).


Eric Close


84 minutes




Romance, Drama

Movie poster image
A Christmas Love Story

Eric Close, 2019

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MovieGuide Awards



Most Inspiring TV Program

Epiphany Prize


A youth choir director (Chenoweth) needs to write a big song for the Christmas Eve show but "finds herself distracted" when a boy with a golden voice (Kevin Quinn) joins her choir, which will come as news to his widowed father (Wolf).

Having had one Broadway success in a musical she wrote herself, Katherine Clark is now happier in her current life teaching, she leading a youth choir, an offshoot of which is preparing for its annual Christmas Eve fundraiser. The fundraiser ensures the continuation of the choir for another year. She hits two eleventh hour snags with the show. First, her friend commissioned to write the title song for the fundraiser has to bow out due to other commitments, leaving no title song, the recording of which arguably would be the source of much of their money. That forces Katherine herself to write the song, something she thought she had put long behind her. And second, her star tenor comes down with a bug, he unable to perform in the show. Katherine believes she's found a replacement, the young man, Danny, who just happened to be interning for one day doing odd jobs as extra credit in his application to business school. She discovers that he has untapped natural musical talent. A further ...


A youth choir director (Chenoweth) needs to write a big song for the Christmas Eve show but "finds herself distracted" when a boy with a golden voice (Kevin Quinn) joins her choir, which will come as news to his widowed father (Wolf).


Having had one Broadway success in a musical she wrote herself, Katherine Clark is now happier in her current life teaching, she leading a youth choir, an offshoot of which is preparing for its annual Christmas Eve fundraiser. The fundraiser ensures the continuation of the choir for another year. She hits two eleventh hour snags with the show. First, her friend commissioned to write the title song for the fundraiser has to bow out due to other commitments, leaving no title song, the recording of which arguably would be the source of much of their money. That forces Katherine herself to write the song, something she thought she had put long behind her. And second, her star tenor comes down with a bug, he unable to perform in the show. Katherine believes she's found a replacement, the young man, Danny, who just happened to be interning for one day doing odd jobs as extra credit in his application to business school. She discovers that he has untapped natural musical talent. A further ...


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Kristin Chenoweth


Scott Wolf


Kevin Quinn




Nicole Baxter


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