Man Enough

'Man Enough', 2017

Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a ...

Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a ...









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Man Enough


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MarCom Awards



Best Web Video: Informational

Platinum Winner


Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a ...

Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a man today. Moderated by Justin Baldoni, the show will feature a diverse cast of influential men talking about manhood itself and the role men play in society. Along the way, they'll talk about the age-old and ever-changing male ideas surrounding body image, fatherhood, marriage, happiness, and feminism - conversations that aren't normally had by men, let alone men in the spotlight.


Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a ...


Man Enough, is a dinner party that brings together some of the most recognizable faces from Hollywood to have deep (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations about what it means to be a man today. Moderated by Justin Baldoni, the show will feature a diverse cast of influential men talking about manhood itself and the role men play in society. Along the way, they'll talk about the age-old and ever-changing male ideas surrounding body image, fatherhood, marriage, happiness, and feminism - conversations that aren't normally had by men, let alone men in the spotlight.


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Justin Baldoni


Matt McGorry


Prince Ea


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