World Distribution Award

Kosice, Slovakia, Slovakia, Europe


Short, Feature

World Distribution Award logo
World Distribution Award

Kosice, Slovakia, Slovakia, Europe

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About the festival

WORLD DISTRIBUTION AWARD is a unique monthly film programme where filmmakers can submit their films. Each month winners in selected categories (• - Best Live Action Short Film and • - Best Short Documentary) will get an amazing opportunity to sign special deal  with distribution company Artemis ( .
This company will translate their films into different languages and distribute them into 34 TV channels across 6 different countries (Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic,  Serbia and South Africa).
We are living in the world where finding a distributor is way more dificulut than it used to be. Short films usually don't make any money therefore it is impossible to find distributor because non of the channels will broadcast it. We would like to change that and also help filmmakers get into the spotlight. Our main mission is to support young talented filmmakers and create opportunities  for their development and visibility. With our exlusive partnership with distribtuion company Artemis we are able to offer something that none of the festivals can –  WORLD DISTRIBUTION.


Contract will be each month offered only to winners of these two main categories :

• - Best Live Action Short Film (under 30 minutes)

• - Best Short Documentary (under 40minutes)


• - Best Feature Documentary (over 40minutes)

• - Best Feature Film (Live Action or Animation)

• - Best Director
• - Best Music Video 

• - Best Experimental 

• - Best Animation 

• - Best Drama
• - Best Comedy 

• - Best Horror
• - Best Thriller 

• - Best Action 

• - Best Sci-Fi 

• - Best Fantasy 

• - Best LGBTQ 

• - Best First Time Director 

• - Best Student Film 

• - Best Actress 

• - Best Actor 

• - Best Original Screenplay 

• - Best Original Story 

• - Best Original Score 

• - Best Original Song 

• - Best Cinematography 

• - Best Production Design 

• - Best Editing
• - Best Sound Design
• - Best VFX


WORLD DISTRIBUTION AWARD is a unique monthly film programme where filmmakers can submit their films. Each month winners in selected categories (• - Best Live Action Short Film and • - Best Short Documentary) will get an amazing opportunity to sign special deal  with distribution company Artemis ( .
This company will translate their films into different languages and distribute them into 34 TV channels across 6 different countries (Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic,  Serbia and South Africa).
We are living in the world where finding a distributor is way more dificulut than it used to be. Short films usually don't make any money therefore it is impossible to find distributor because non of the channels will broadcast it. We would like to change that and also help filmmakers get into the spotlight. Our main mission is to support young talented filmmakers and create opportunities  for their development and visibility. With our exlusive partnership with distribtuion company Artemis we are able to offer something that none of the festivals can –  WORLD DISTRIBUTION.


Contract will be each month offered only to winners of these two main categories :

• - Best Live Action Short Film (under 30 minutes)

• - Best Short Documentary (under 40minutes)


• - Best Feature Documentary (over 40minutes)

• - Best Feature Film (Live Action or Animation)

• - Best Director
• - Best Music Video 

• - Best Experimental 

• - Best Animation 

• - Best Drama
• - Best Comedy 

• - Best Horror
• - Best Thriller 

• - Best Action 

• - Best Sci-Fi 

• - Best Fantasy 

• - Best LGBTQ 

• - Best First Time Director 

• - Best Student Film 

• - Best Actress 

• - Best Actor 

• - Best Original Screenplay 

• - Best Original Story 

• - Best Original Score 

• - Best Original Song 

• - Best Cinematography 

• - Best Production Design 

• - Best Editing
• - Best Sound Design
• - Best VFX

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

•All films that are not in English must have English language subtitles.

 We do not annouce nominees. Each month we only announce winners in each category.

• All the winners will be listed on our website.

• All the award certificates will be sent to winners via emial.

• If your film is declared as a winner in categories : - Best Live Action Short Film (under 30 minutes)
or Best Short Documentary (under 40minutes) your contact details will be forwarded to distribution company Artemis which will offer you special contract.

• If contract is offered to you , you will be asked to submit following things : 

- Synopsis in English

- Dialogue list in English (List of all the dialogue with timecodes)

- Export of the film

- 30-60 second Trailer

- Dialog List in English and original language with timecodes

- Music Cue Sheet (List of songs and authors)

Failrue in submiting theese required meterials may result in refusing your film by distribution company Artemis.

• Entry fees must be paid in full at time of submission. No cash payments are accepted. All entry fees are non-refundable. 

• Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted. A separate submission and a separate entry fee must accompany each entry. 

• No postal submissions accepted.

• Notice of receipt of submissions will be posted via submitter’s FilmFreeway account. It is the submitter’s responsibility to track the status of their submission.
• The releases for all content including, but not limited to, music and talent must be obtained by the filmmaker.
• The Wolrd Distribution award programme is not liable for any copyright infringement or unauthorized usage. Any film accepted into the Wolrd Distribution award programme may be subjected to a pre-screen for any possible infringements.

• By submitting your film to us through FilmFreeway you giving us permission to show it non-publicly to our juries, distribution partners and technicians.
• World Distribution Awards and Artemis distribution reserves right to change amount of Local TV channels (at any given point) which this programme is partner with.
• World distribution award reserves right to not to give an award in specific category if
all the received films in specific month will have low production value.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

✯ Best Live Action Short Film
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $15
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $19
Late (4th November, 2020) $15

This is the main category in which in you have possibility to win international distribution.

✯ Best Short Documentary
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $15
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $19
Late (4th November, 2020) $15

This is the main category in which in you have possibility to win international distribution.

Best Feature Documentary
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $15
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $19
Late (4th November, 2020) $15

Best Feature Film (Live Action or Animation)
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $15
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $19
Late (4th November, 2020) $15

Best Music Video
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Experimental film
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Animation film
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Drama
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Comedy
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Horror
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Thriller
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Action
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Sci-Fi
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Fantasy
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best First Time Director
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Student Film
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Actress
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Actor
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Original Screenplay
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Original Story
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Original Score
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Original Song
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Cinematography
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Production Design
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Editing
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best Sound Design
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9

Best VFX
Early Bird (9th October, 2020) $9
Regular (3rd November, 2020) $14
Late (4th November, 2020) $9


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals