Vienna, Wien, Austria, Europe

UNDER_the_RADAR logo

Vienna, Wien, Austria, Europe

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About the festival

UNDER_the_RADAR 2020 is the 10th Austrian interdisciplinary film/media festival/conference, intersecting animation, art, experimental media, exploratory filmmaking, and digital culture.

The focus is on ANIMATED SHORT FILMS, with a non-exclusive emphasis
on experimental and documentary work in the international section.
Hybrids, composites, mixtures, crossbreeds, and combinations are welcomed and favored. We present and celebrate:
a n i m a t e d / m o v i n g / i m a g e s

The motto for 2020 is: THE AGE OF THE ABSURD

The following festival-award categories will be awarded:

R a d a r - V i e n n a - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - A w a r d
This category is open to any artists or students from the entire planet.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2018.
Films may be up to 10 minutes long.
RADAR INTERNATIONAL is for anything that is artistic
with a clear exploratory, experimental, reality-related direction.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

R a d a r - V i e n n a - A U S T R I A N - A w a r d
This category is only open to artists with Austrian nationality, or to artists who live or work in Austria and produced a film during their time in Austria. In case you do not fulfill these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2018 !
Films may be up to 20 minutes long.
RADAR AUSTRIA is awarded to films with animation of any kind as a predominant element. Artistic approaches and expressions are favored.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

R a d a r - V i e n n a - S T U D E N T - A w a r d
This category is only open to students with Austrian nationality, or to artists who study in Austria and produced the submitted film during their studies at an Austrian educational institution. In case you do not fulfill these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2019.
Films may be up to 20 minutes long.
RADAR STUDENT is awarded to films with animation of any kind as a predominant element. Exploratory, experimenting and investigative work is preferred.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

You can not submit a film to more than one category.
All submitted films will only be considered if they match the described criteria.

All films selected for screening automatically qualify for
the Radar Vienna Audience Award and Radar Vienna Special Mentions.

All films selected for RADAR AUSTRIA and RADAR STUDENT
automatically qualify for the Hubert Sielecki Award.

Radar Vienna International Award ( - RADAR INTERNATIONAL)
Radar Vienna Austrian Award ( - RADAR AUSTRIA)
Radar Vienna Student Award ( - RADAR STUDENT)

Exclusive Awards
Radar Vienna Audience Award
Radar Vienna Special Mentions
Hubert Sielecki Award


UNDER_the_RADAR 2020 is the 10th Austrian interdisciplinary film/media festival/conference, intersecting animation, art, experimental media, exploratory filmmaking, and digital culture.

The focus is on ANIMATED SHORT FILMS, with a non-exclusive emphasis
on experimental and documentary work in the international section.
Hybrids, composites, mixtures, crossbreeds, and combinations are welcomed and favored. We present and celebrate:
a n i m a t e d / m o v i n g / i m a g e s

The motto for 2020 is: THE AGE OF THE ABSURD

The following festival-award categories will be awarded:

R a d a r - V i e n n a - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - A w a r d
This category is open to any artists or students from the entire planet.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2018.
Films may be up to 10 minutes long.
RADAR INTERNATIONAL is for anything that is artistic
with a clear exploratory, experimental, reality-related direction.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

R a d a r - V i e n n a - A U S T R I A N - A w a r d
This category is only open to artists with Austrian nationality, or to artists who live or work in Austria and produced a film during their time in Austria. In case you do not fulfill these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2018 !
Films may be up to 20 minutes long.
RADAR AUSTRIA is awarded to films with animation of any kind as a predominant element. Artistic approaches and expressions are favored.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

R a d a r - V i e n n a - S T U D E N T - A w a r d
This category is only open to students with Austrian nationality, or to artists who study in Austria and produced the submitted film during their studies at an Austrian educational institution. In case you do not fulfill these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.
Films must have been produced after 1 January 2019.
Films may be up to 20 minutes long.
RADAR STUDENT is awarded to films with animation of any kind as a predominant element. Exploratory, experimenting and investigative work is preferred.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.

You can not submit a film to more than one category.
All submitted films will only be considered if they match the described criteria.

All films selected for screening automatically qualify for
the Radar Vienna Audience Award and Radar Vienna Special Mentions.

All films selected for RADAR AUSTRIA and RADAR STUDENT
automatically qualify for the Hubert Sielecki Award.

Radar Vienna International Award ( - RADAR INTERNATIONAL)
Radar Vienna Austrian Award ( - RADAR AUSTRIA)
Radar Vienna Student Award ( - RADAR STUDENT)

Exclusive Awards
Radar Vienna Audience Award
Radar Vienna Special Mentions
Hubert Sielecki Award

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

must have been produced after 1 January 2019
and must be shorter than 20 minutes.

All films submitted for RADAR AUSTRIA
must have been produced after 1 January 2018
and must be shorter than 20 minutes.

All films selected for screening automatically qualify for
the Radar Vienna Audience Award and Radar Vienna Special Mentions.

All films selected for RADAR AUSTRIA and RADAR STUDENT
automatically qualify for the Hubert Sielecki Award.

You can submit a film to only ONE award category
If your film had been selected for screening in a previous year, it can not get selected again for an award-screening in the current year.
If your film had been rejected in a previous year, it can not get selected again for an award-screening in the current year.

open to any artists or students from the entire planet.

RADAR AUSTRIA is only open to artists with Austrian nationality,
or to artists who live or work in Austria and produced the submitted
film during their time in Austria.

RADAR STUDENT is only open to students with Austrian nationality,
or to students who study in Austria and produced the submitted film
during their studies at an Austrian educational institution after
1 January 2018.

Films must be submitted with a frame-rate of 25 fps or 24 fps
and must be on frames with an aspect ratio of 16:9
and a frame size of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Copies for screening must be provided with a
frame-rate of 25 fps or 24 fps.
If copies for screening will be provided with a
different frame-rate they will be converted to a
frame-rate of 25 fps or 24 fps.

Copies for screening must be provided as .mp4 or .mov file-types
in case you have audio tracks they have to be in 2 channels only.
ProRes422(HQ) is the preferred compression type for screening copies.
If your film is using language (written or on the audio track),
it either has to be in English, or it has to include a translation
into English through embedded English subtitles.


Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Radar Vienna INTERNATIONAL Award
Early Bird (1st September, 2019) €0
Regular (1st December, 2019) €0
Late (1st January, 2020) €0

This category is open to any artists or students from the entire planet. You can not submit a film to more than one category. All submitted films will only be considered if they match the described criteria.

Radar Vienna AUSTRIAN Award (see regulations)
Early Bird (1st September, 2019) €0
Regular (1st December, 2019) €0
Late (1st January, 2020) €0

This category is only open to artists with Austrian nationality, or who live or work in Austria and produced the submitted film during their time in Austria. In case you do not fulfil these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.

Radar Vienna STUDENT Award (see regulations)
Early Bird (1st September, 2019) €0
Regular (1st December, 2019) €0
Late (1st January, 2020) €0

This category is only open to students with Austrian nationality, or who study in Austria and produced the submitted film during their studies at an Austrian educational institution. In case you do not fulfil these requirements your film will not be accepted for this category.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals