bennington, Vermont, United States, North America


bennington, Vermont, United States, North America

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General Information



Contact details

334 eaton road bennington, Vermont 05201 United States



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About the festival

The NY Cat Film Festival celebrates the mysterious cats who share our world and their loving relationships with people.
The NY Cat Film Festival is the way for those who admire and are fascinated by cats to make and bring their films in front of like-minded cat lovers. These are not "cat videos" - these are films that have been made with an intention, concept or story to convey something essential about where cats fit into our human world. This festival is a way to honor cats and those who care about them and raise awareness for their needs and qualities while supporting the caregivers in their communities. This Festival is philanthropic and a portion of all ticket sales goes to an animal welfare organization in every city it visits. The 4th Annual NY CFF premiere will at the SVA Theater in NYC on November 7 2021 and will travel to many cities across the country and Canada into 2022

Being chosen to be part of the NY Cat Film Festival automatically makes a filmmaker a winner! All chosen filmmakers will receive a gift bag and two 2 tickets (or more if requested) to the film program(s) in NYC or in any city in 2021-2022 playing the program with their film.


The NY Cat Film Festival celebrates the mysterious cats who share our world and their loving relationships with people.
The NY Cat Film Festival is the way for those who admire and are fascinated by cats to make and bring their films in front of like-minded cat lovers. These are not "cat videos" - these are films that have been made with an intention, concept or story to convey something essential about where cats fit into our human world. This festival is a way to honor cats and those who care about them and raise awareness for their needs and qualities while supporting the caregivers in their communities. This Festival is philanthropic and a portion of all ticket sales goes to an animal welfare organization in every city it visits. The 4th Annual NY CFF premiere will at the SVA Theater in NYC on November 7 2021 and will travel to many cities across the country and Canada into 2022

Being chosen to be part of the NY Cat Film Festival automatically makes a filmmaker a winner! All chosen filmmakers will receive a gift bag and two 2 tickets (or more if requested) to the film program(s) in NYC or in any city in 2021-2022 playing the program with their film.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Submission Guidelines to the NY Cat Film Festival (NY CFF) are as follows:
Entrants accept all rules and regulations of Pet Media Inc.(doing business as NY CFF, and referred to herein as NY CFF). Filmmakers must be 18+ yrs old or, if under 18, must have written adult consent by a parent or guardian.
The filmmaker must have the intellectual property rights and distribution rights to enter this film into the competition.
The filmmaker must have the performing rights for any music contained in the film and provide evidence should it be required.
The filmmaker represents and warrants that the submitted material does not defame or invade the rights of any person living or dead and s/he fully indemnifies the Festival against any claim made for such violations of the law.
The filmmaker represents and warrants that the submitted material is an original work, that there are no disputes regarding ownership of the submission, that it is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
The filmmaker accepts responsibility for obtaining any permissions required by copyright law in the use of any music and images used in their films. NY CFF takes no responsibility for copyright infringement.
NY CFF is not responsible for any type of loss or damage to you pertaining to the film or its and you agree to hold NY CFF harmless from and defend them against any claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not they are groundless, based on any film submitted to the NY CFF.
The NY CFF accepts only digital submissions viewable online. Chosen films will be transferred to a Digital Cinema Projection file, a Blu-Ray DVD, or a digital download for delivery to theaters for screening purposes. The filmmaker is responsible for supplying a high-resolution format of their film. Filmmaker assigns NY CFF the right to copy the entry in its entirety for technical operations in and through any and all current or future media formats.
Films that are not in the English language must be subtitled or dubbed.
Films are welcome that may have been previously seen by the public.
Films can have been made at any point in time.
Films must be “shorts” and less than 60 minutes long, with a preference for films less than 30 minutes long.
By submitting a film, the filmmaker agrees that NY CFF does not pay screening fees under any circumstance. By submitting a film, the filmmaker is agreeing to screen his/her film without a screening fee or any other compensation if it is selected to be shown in any format as part of NY CFF anywhere in the world in perpetuity.
The filmmaker understands that films will be shown at multiple screenings across the United States, Canada and possibly other English-speaking countries over multiple years, although there is no guarantee that every film seen in the NYC annual premiere will be included in the traveling version.
You grant NY CFF and its successors, licensees, and assignees the use of your film and any associated photos or extracts for all destinations of the NY CFF in any year. You grant permission for any subsequent broadcast uses and platforms, including all digital formats, not limited to cinema projection, Video on Demand, AVOD, SVOD, DVD/Blu-Ray, streaming compilations, and emerging technology. Segments of the films may be used in trailers and marketing. Photographs, clips of films or filmmaker submitted images may be used in promotional material and social media. NY CFF may sub-license this right without further consent. NY CFF reserves the right to include any accepted films on any format used for promotional purposes.
The NY CFF Founder and Director, Tracie Hotchner, will have absolute discretion and make the final decision on which films will be included in the NY CFF.
Filmmakers will be notified of their status prior to the Festival by email. Filmmakers of chosen films will receive 2 tickets (or more if requested) to the program[s] at the NYC premiere of the NY CFF at SVA Theater in New York City.
The NY CFF will travel to multiple U.S. locations annually although there is no guarantee that every film seen in the NYC annual premiere will be included in the traveling version.
For promotional and publicity purposes, brief (less than one minute) clips of any film entered into the Festival may be shown on any network, the internet, or related media, including promotion by our sponsors.
Submitting a film to the NY CFF implies acceptance of these regulations, and your warranty that, to the best of your knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
By submitting your film, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the stipulated terms.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

documentary, narrative or animation of any length
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $10
Regular (1st June, 2021) $15
Late (15th July, 2021) $20


What is the title of your film?

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals