Southern States Indie FanFilmFest

Biloxi, MS, United States, North America

19 - 22 Jan, 2021


Short, Feature

Southern States Indie FanFilmFest logo
Southern States Indie FanFilmFest

Biloxi, MS, United States, North America

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General Information



Contact details

Biloxi, MS 39530 United States



Web & social

About the festival

"A festival made by indie filmmakers, for indie filmmakers!! Amazing organizers and an impressive film line-up! I had a great time and met some extremely talented filmmakers." - Katey Perkins, filmmaker

"5 stars and all thumbs up! There was something special about this festival; a sense of professionalism, comradeship and fun and something else…warmth and light and an embracing spirit." - Bob Belinoff

* An international festival and IMDb qualifying event *

*** Covid-19 Festival update below ***

Southern States Indie FanFilmFest is held on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Biloxi, Mississippi, a historic coastal town with an international airport (GPT) minutes away or FLY INTO NEW ORLEANS (MSY) and party for the weekend!

From Austin to Charlotte and Miami to Baton Rouge, SSIFFF is an International film festival that also celebrates the creative talent and diversity of the American Southern States. We are dedicated to REAL INDIE FILMMAKERS. And although FILMS WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM AROUND THE WORLD, additional categories are open for submissions from the following Southern States: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

SSIFFF celebrates the diversity of Americans along our beautiful southern coast - the longstanding Spanish traditions of Texas and Florida, French Creole and Cajun cultures of the former vast Louisiana territory, and the continually evolving cultures of southern blacks and whites. As gloriously diverse as any region on earth, in addition to our general call for submissions we are issuing a call for films with innovative, progressive and balanced stories from and concerning women, peoples of Latin, African, Asian and Middle Eastern descent, Native Americans, LGBTQ community, and seniors.

SSIFFF's RED CARPET AWARDS CEREMONY is a four hour event and a night to remember - four-course meal, table wines, film clips, photo ops, and awards throughout the evening. You won't want to miss it!

OUR PROMISE - to diligently endeavor to empower INDEPENDENT filmmakers and celebrate film creativity and DIVERSITY in the Southern States and around the world!

*** What a year 2020 has been - and that's just so far! Luckily our January event was early enough to beat the coronavirus to the punch, but it turned out to be dismal for many indie filmmakers excited to hit the 2020 Festival Circuit where event after event was either canceled or "gone virtual."
In light of this, we surveyed past Selected and Award Winning Indie Filmmakers, many who are waiting to finish and release their films one when it is safe for all to travel and sit together in closed rooms for hours watching films and attending panels. Added to this issue are the many film festivals that have pushed their 2020 events into the Spring of 2021 - and at best, their dates are still tentative! Playing it as safe as possible and to insure the high quality event that IndieFanFilmFest has been known to deliver, please be advised it is very possible the event will not be able to be held at its scheduled time right after the holidays. HOWEVER (as with our Central States event of May 2020) we will begin giving Seasonal Laurels in the months leading up to the festival dates. Lastly, should the festival be forced to cancel, we will invite selected filmmalers to the next SSIFFF live event and screen films of those who would opt to attend. ***

ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography.

ATMAN AWARD FOR DIVERSITY IN FILM - we will honor one film for illustrating the unity of diverse beings. Atman, the innermost spiritual essence, signifies the one life force shared by all living creatures.

BEST SOUTHERN STATES FILM - chosen from qualifying films in all Southern States categories.

BEST OF FEST - given to the overall winner chosen by our judges from all submitted films.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE - Diversity is also encouraged by offering foreign language winners in many categories (must be subtitled in English).

STUDENT FILMMAKER - anyone 18 and under, or a college student (verified by student ID) please submit at student rates for automatic eligibility for student awards.

Awards given for each submission category; genre awards - for example Comedy, Foreign Language, or Horror; and craft - Cinematography, Soundtrack, Director, etc., as well as Actor, Actress, and Talented New Director..

MUSIC CATEGORIES, FILM POSTERS, and TRAILERS - only films that specifically submit to one or more of the Soundtrack, Song, Music Video, Trailer or Poster categories will be judged for those awards. Selected Trailers and Music Videos will be screened. Nominated Posters will be displayed on site during the event.


"A festival made by indie filmmakers, for indie filmmakers!! Amazing organizers and an impressive film line-up! I had a great time and met some extremely talented filmmakers." - Katey Perkins, filmmaker

"5 stars and all thumbs up! There was something special about this festival; a sense of professionalism, comradeship and fun and something else…warmth and light and an embracing spirit." - Bob Belinoff

* An international festival and IMDb qualifying event *

*** Covid-19 Festival update below ***

Southern States Indie FanFilmFest is held on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Biloxi, Mississippi, a historic coastal town with an international airport (GPT) minutes away or FLY INTO NEW ORLEANS (MSY) and party for the weekend!

From Austin to Charlotte and Miami to Baton Rouge, SSIFFF is an International film festival that also celebrates the creative talent and diversity of the American Southern States. We are dedicated to REAL INDIE FILMMAKERS. And although FILMS WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM AROUND THE WORLD, additional categories are open for submissions from the following Southern States: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

SSIFFF celebrates the diversity of Americans along our beautiful southern coast - the longstanding Spanish traditions of Texas and Florida, French Creole and Cajun cultures of the former vast Louisiana territory, and the continually evolving cultures of southern blacks and whites. As gloriously diverse as any region on earth, in addition to our general call for submissions we are issuing a call for films with innovative, progressive and balanced stories from and concerning women, peoples of Latin, African, Asian and Middle Eastern descent, Native Americans, LGBTQ community, and seniors.

SSIFFF's RED CARPET AWARDS CEREMONY is a four hour event and a night to remember - four-course meal, table wines, film clips, photo ops, and awards throughout the evening. You won't want to miss it!

OUR PROMISE - to diligently endeavor to empower INDEPENDENT filmmakers and celebrate film creativity and DIVERSITY in the Southern States and around the world!

*** What a year 2020 has been - and that's just so far! Luckily our January event was early enough to beat the coronavirus to the punch, but it turned out to be dismal for many indie filmmakers excited to hit the 2020 Festival Circuit where event after event was either canceled or "gone virtual."
In light of this, we surveyed past Selected and Award Winning Indie Filmmakers, many who are waiting to finish and release their films one when it is safe for all to travel and sit together in closed rooms for hours watching films and attending panels. Added to this issue are the many film festivals that have pushed their 2020 events into the Spring of 2021 - and at best, their dates are still tentative! Playing it as safe as possible and to insure the high quality event that IndieFanFilmFest has been known to deliver, please be advised it is very possible the event will not be able to be held at its scheduled time right after the holidays. HOWEVER (as with our Central States event of May 2020) we will begin giving Seasonal Laurels in the months leading up to the festival dates. Lastly, should the festival be forced to cancel, we will invite selected filmmalers to the next SSIFFF live event and screen films of those who would opt to attend. ***

ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography.

ATMAN AWARD FOR DIVERSITY IN FILM - we will honor one film for illustrating the unity of diverse beings. Atman, the innermost spiritual essence, signifies the one life force shared by all living creatures.

BEST SOUTHERN STATES FILM - chosen from qualifying films in all Southern States categories.

BEST OF FEST - given to the overall winner chosen by our judges from all submitted films.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE - Diversity is also encouraged by offering foreign language winners in many categories (must be subtitled in English).

STUDENT FILMMAKER - anyone 18 and under, or a college student (verified by student ID) please submit at student rates for automatic eligibility for student awards.

Awards given for each submission category; genre awards - for example Comedy, Foreign Language, or Horror; and craft - Cinematography, Soundtrack, Director, etc., as well as Actor, Actress, and Talented New Director..

MUSIC CATEGORIES, FILM POSTERS, and TRAILERS - only films that specifically submit to one or more of the Soundtrack, Song, Music Video, Trailer or Poster categories will be judged for those awards. Selected Trailers and Music Videos will be screened. Nominated Posters will be displayed on site during the event.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

All entries and submissions to Southern States Indie FanFilmFest can be made through FilmFreeway. See categories for specific lengths. Films not in English must be subtitled in English.

If you meet requirements for a Southern States submission category, your film will be judged in the more narrow category while still eligible for top festival awards.

If your film is selected in Soundtrack (Short or Feature), Original Song with Lyrics, or Original Song Instrumental, we reserve the right to screen it in part.

The judging panel reserves the right to remove a category or to add additional categories as they deem appropriate.

By submitting your film you have read and agreed to all Southern States Indie FanFilmFest submission rules and these terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please contact us via the email link.
1. SCREENING FEES - The Southern States Indie FanFilmFest, LLC does not pay screening fees. By submitting your film via FilmFreeway you acknowledge that the festival will not pay to present your work.
2. SUBMISSION - All works must be submitted via FilmFreeway as an online screener. FilmFreeway allows you to upload the film or provide a link for a host site such as Vimeo or Youtube.
3. ONLINE SCREENERS must have working links and passwords throughout the submission process. It is your responsibility to notify us if any changes are made.
4. COMPLETION DATE - Entries must have been completed on or after January 1, 2018 unless previously unreleased.
5. PREMIERE REQUIREMENTS - currently there are no premiere requirements, however feature length films that are viewable by the general public online will be disqualified. We do not discriminate against shorts or mid-length films that are available to the public online, but many festivals do, so it is suggested that public release be delayed until you have completed your film festival run. Password protect the online viewer to guard against this issue.
6. WORKS IN PROGRESS are accepted but PLEASE READ: While you may submit the final edit up until the Final deadline, your original submission should be a fair representation of your final piece as our judges will be making their initial decisions based on it. When your final edit is complete, simply send us an email letting us know. If the film is substantially changed please re-submit the following year.
7. All works selected must be available and downloadable (by us) by December 21, 2020 for inclusion in the festival, as well as the award nomination clips needed for the Red Carpet Awards Event.
8. REFUNDS - SSIFFF does not issue refunds for submissions received.

By entering your film for consideration for the Southern States Indie FanFilmFest, you authorize that your work is cleared for festival exhibition and accept full legal responsibility for the intellectual property therein. Entry into the festival constitutes permission to exhibit your work at the festival. Indie FanFilmFest International, LLC is also hereby granted the right to utilize an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for exhibition at the Festival for promotional purposes only. The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless Indie FanFilmFest International, LLC, Southern States Indie FanFilmFest, and all of their agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered. Southern States Indie FanFilmFest may opt to withdraw your work from the festival at any time for any reason. Southern States Indie FanFilmFest DOES NOT PAY SCREENING FEES. By submitting your film via FilmFreeway you acknowledge that the festival will not pay to present your work. Southern States Indie FanFilmFest reserves the right to disqualify any submission without refund of submission fees. Southern States Indie FanFilmFest does not issue refunds.
Entering your film for consideration in Southern States Indie FanFilmFest is, hereby, your digital signature of agreement to these Rules & Terms.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Movie Poster
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $25

Selected posters will be printed and displayed at the festival and one will receive the top prize! HOW-TO SUBMIT: Create a separate project selecting “Photography” as the project type. Upload poster image then submit..

Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $30

Non English trailers must be subtitled - under 5 minutes

Short Short
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $33

Wide open film category, any genre, 5 minutes or less - including credits **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges (Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography, etc.)**

Short Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $35

20 minutes or less - including credits (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Short Film category). **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges (Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography, etc.)**

Southern States Short Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $33

20 minutes or less - including credits. Submission to a Southern States category must meet one of these criteria: 1) at least partially filmed in the Southern States (see logo map or list) AND comes from a Director OR Producer who resides in one of the Southern States, or 2) was filmed in its entirety in the Southern States, or 3) a film whose Director and Producer BOTH currently reside in one of the Southern States regardless of where it was filmed. Submission to one of these categories makes your film eligible for a Southern States Award, Best of the Fest, and any other juried categories that we may deem appropriate. If you submit in this category without meeting the necessary criteria, we must disqualify your film from consideration into the festival without a refund. **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges (Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography, etc.)**

Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

Over 20 and less than 50 minutes - including credits (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Featurette category) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Southern States Featurette
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $40

Over 20 and less than 50 minutes - including credits **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography** Submission to a Southern States category must meet one of these criteria: 1) at least partially filmed in the Southern States (see logo map or list) AND comes from a Director OR Producer who resides in one of the Southern States, or 2) was filmed in its entirety in the Southern States, or 3) a film whose Director and Producer BOTH currently reside in one of the Southern States regardless of where it was filmed. Submission to one of these categories makes your film eligible for a Southern States Award, Best of the Fest, and any other juried categories that we may deem appropriate. If you submit in this category without meeting the necessary criteria, we must disqualify your film from consideration into the festival without a refund.

Feature Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $40
Late (30th April, 2020) $50

50 minutes or more - including credits (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Feature Film category) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Southern States Feature Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

50 minutes or more- including credits *^ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography** Submission to a Southern States category must meet one of these criteria: 1) at least partially filmed in the Southern States (see logo map or list) AND comes from a Director OR Producer who resides in one of the Southern States, or 2) was filmed in its entirety in the Southern States, or 3) a film whose Director and Producer BOTH currently reside in one of the Southern States regardless of where it was filmed. Submission to one of these categories makes your film eligible for a Southern States Award, Best of the Fest, and any other juried categories that we may deem appropriate. If you submit in this category without meeting the necessary criteria, we must disqualify your film from consideration into the festival without a refund.

Art House, Experimental, Silent, Film Noir
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $40

Any length. Films submitted to THIS CATEGORY ONLY have no restrictions on when they were made and/or released - they can be from any year. An ART film is typically a serious, independent film aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience and presented at specialty theaters. EXPERIMENTAL is a mode of filmmaking that rigorously re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explores non-narrative forms and alternatives to traditional narratives or methods of working. SILENT film uses soundtrack elements different from what is being portrayed on the screen and may express concepts or dialogue using title cards.

Short Documentary
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

Up to 45 minutes (including credits) **May be divided into subcategories as the judging panel sees fit** (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Documentary category)

Southern States Short Documentary
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $40

Up to 45 minutes (including credits) filmed in, and about, a topic in one or more of the Southern States, regardless of where the Director or Producer live. **May be divided into subcategories as the judging panel sees fit**

Feature Length Documentary
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $40
Late (30th April, 2020) $50

over 45 minutes (including credits) **May be divided into subcategories as the judging panel sees fit** (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Documentary category) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Southern States Feature Documentary
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

over 45 minutes (including credits) filmed in, and about, a topic in one or more of the Southern States, regardless of where the Director or Producer live. **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Open Category - Short content
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

Up to 45 minutes - including credits. Any film genre, any language, wide open competition for films released prior to 2018.

Open Category - Feature length
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $40
Late (30th April, 2020) $50

over 45 minutes including credits. Any film genre, any language, wide open competition for films released prior to 2018.

Animated Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $35

Any length **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Drone (UAV) Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $35

Any length **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Smart Phone Film
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $40

Any length Smart phone footage exclusively OR at least 80% smart phone footage combined with not more than 20% stock and/or drone footage. (If you also use other media than these, please submit to the appropriate Film "length" category) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography**

Web Series Pilot or Episode
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $35

20 minutes or less (including credits) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography** (Southern States qualifiers - please submit to Southern States Web Series category)

Southern States Web Series Pilot or Episode
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $33

20 minutes or less (including credits) **ALL SUBMISSIONS are eligible to be nominated for genre, role and crew categories as determined appropriate by judges, for example Comedy or Horror, Actor or Actress, and Director or Cinematography** Submission to a Southern States category must meet one of these criteria: 1) at least partially filmed in the Southern States (see logo map or list) AND comes from a Director OR Producer who resides in one of the Southern States, or 2) was filmed in its entirety in the Southern States, or 3) a film whose Director and Producer BOTH currently reside in one of the Southern States regardless of where it was filmed. Submission to one of these categories makes your film eligible for a Southern States Award, Best of the Fest, and any other juried categories that we may deem appropriate. If you submit in this category without meeting the necessary criteria, we must disqualify your film from consideration into the festival without a refund.

Music Video
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $25
Late (30th April, 2020) $33

Must be less than 10 minutes

Best Song with Lyrics
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $20
Late (30th April, 2020) $30

Must be under 10 minutes. Submit as a "Music/Songwriting" project and submit MP3 or WAV file. Song must be original to your film OR you have attained legal permission from the artist or publishing company to use it in your film for festival screenings (festival rights).

Best Song - Instrumental
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $20
Late (30th April, 2020) $30

Must be under 10 minutes. Submit as a "Music/Songwriting" project and submit MP3 or WAV file. Song must be original to your film OR you have attained legal permission from the artist or publishing company to use it in your film for festival screenings (festival rights).

Best Soundtrack - 20 minutes or less
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $30
Late (30th April, 2020) $40

20 minutes or less (including credits) You may submit the film so we can see/hear it in context, or submit just a sound file

Best Soundtrack - over 20 minutes
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) $35
Late (30th April, 2020) $45

20:01 or more (including credits) You may submit the film so we can see/hear it in context, or submit just a sound file


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals