Screen.Dance is a programme of events and awards in Scotland, UK, dedicated to celebrating the art and creativity of imaginative dance on screen. Screen.Dance has public screenings, a seminar of presentations, workshop, exhibitions and live events.
Building on the success of the June 2020 Festival event online we are creating a special new event in Aberdeen in collaboration with City Moves Dance Agency. This will be a mix of live screenings and live streams. Workshops and exhibitions. Open calls and curated programmes.
Sadly due to new government restrictions imposed in September we have had to postpone the event until Spring 2021. Please be assured your submissions will be judged and treated in the same way.
Screendance is an expanding genre of artist's moving image created by combining choreographic intention and compositional form, with the language of cinema.
We also have a symposium opportunity for artists wishing to attend the festival and make a presentation about their work. Films will be shown during a public symposium of presentation sessions to share the artists' perspectives and the current state of the art in screendance. Each presentation will be limited to 15 minutes and be facilitated. Each session will be followed by audience questions. The presentations will be documented and collated to become part of an online digital publication. Submissions in this category will not be part of the competition. In order for your proposal to be accepted you must commit to present your work in person or via video. Examples of other artist presentations can be seen on the website
Best International Short
Best UK short