Pelicula - Latin American Experience

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Pelicula - Latin American Experience

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General Information




Ileana Cecanu

Festival Director

Contact details

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About the festival

PELÍCULA – LATIN AMERICAN FILM & EXPERIENCE (11-15 September 2019, Bucharest) is a festival like a fiesta, which harmoniously combines movies with dance demonstrations, photography exhibitions with traditional dish tasting, blended with a lot of passion, affection and an awesome experience.

Latin America is a mix of sensations and flavour, condiments and passion; Latin America is full of life. Throughout the 5 days of festival we screen Latin-American films in screening rooms or non conventional places.

The official competition is opened for feature films from all over Latin America. The titles can be screened at international film festivals or represent local top box office in their native countries but the production year cannot be earlier than 2016.

The alternative section: Pelicula Alternativa - is opened to distinct type of movies, situated at the border of fantasy and horror.

No cash prizes are given and no screening fees are provided.


PELÍCULA – LATIN AMERICAN FILM & EXPERIENCE (11-15 September 2019, Bucharest) is a festival like a fiesta, which harmoniously combines movies with dance demonstrations, photography exhibitions with traditional dish tasting, blended with a lot of passion, affection and an awesome experience.

Latin America is a mix of sensations and flavour, condiments and passion; Latin America is full of life. Throughout the 5 days of festival we screen Latin-American films in screening rooms or non conventional places.

The official competition is opened for feature films from all over Latin America. The titles can be screened at international film festivals or represent local top box office in their native countries but the production year cannot be earlier than 2016.

The alternative section: Pelicula Alternativa - is opened to distinct type of movies, situated at the border of fantasy and horror.

No cash prizes are given and no screening fees are provided.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Only feature films from Latin America (or produced in Latin America) are accepted. The titles can be screened at international film festivals or represent local top box office in their native countries but the production year cannot be earlier than 2017.

Competition: The official competition is open for directors of feature films (debut, 2nd film, 3rd film) from all over Latin America.

Pelicula Alternativa: The alternative section, Pelicula Alternativa, - is open to a distinct type of movies, situated at the border of fantasy and horror.

Off-Competition, Ninipeli, Bailedoc, : This sections are open either for established directors, or for thematic films: children, music/dance, comedies.

The fee is destined for the selectors, their work in watching the films.

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals