Hell Chess Festival

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Hell Chess Festival

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About the festival

The Hell Chess Film festival is an event celebrated in Campo de Gibraltar, Spain.
This year we got a special Festival with a final venue in Campo de Gibraltar (Spain).
We celebrate our screening and Awards Festival.
We celebrate the commemoration of the great Hell Chess film made by From the ruin to Paradise society. This is our fifth Edition .
This year you´ll receive a philosophical welcoming!
We invite all artists from the whole world to participate.
Every year since 2013, we project our Hell Chess film and we play chess in a tournament.
But this year the thing is going to be completed with your artistic works.
Make a better place to live with the best of your souls!
And be elegant to express it!

The spirit of the Hell Chess Festival is so mysterious that you could feel a victory sensation even before starting. So, be sensitive now!

Sterling Silver Trophy to the best film.

Diplomas to:
Best Director (filmmaker of the year)
Best Acting (women and men compete against each other in a single category)
Best Story
Best innovative picture
Best technique

This is a festival where a short film could win a feature because all compete in the same category.

We got a very special communication with the filmmakers, so all your films will be revised in a very complete way and you will receive our review to improve future projects. You will feel this festival is the festival all filmmakers needed to have.
If you cannot attend the festival in person, we ship all the prizes by traditional mail.


The Hell Chess Film festival is an event celebrated in Campo de Gibraltar, Spain.
This year we got a special Festival with a final venue in Campo de Gibraltar (Spain).
We celebrate our screening and Awards Festival.
We celebrate the commemoration of the great Hell Chess film made by From the ruin to Paradise society. This is our fifth Edition .
This year you´ll receive a philosophical welcoming!
We invite all artists from the whole world to participate.
Every year since 2013, we project our Hell Chess film and we play chess in a tournament.
But this year the thing is going to be completed with your artistic works.
Make a better place to live with the best of your souls!
And be elegant to express it!

The spirit of the Hell Chess Festival is so mysterious that you could feel a victory sensation even before starting. So, be sensitive now!

Sterling Silver Trophy to the best film.

Diplomas to:
Best Director (filmmaker of the year)
Best Acting (women and men compete against each other in a single category)
Best Story
Best innovative picture
Best technique

This is a festival where a short film could win a feature because all compete in the same category.

We got a very special communication with the filmmakers, so all your films will be revised in a very complete way and you will receive our review to improve future projects. You will feel this festival is the festival all filmmakers needed to have.
If you cannot attend the festival in person, we ship all the prizes by traditional mail.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The rules are quite simple.
You can submit all kind of films and all kind of music without any limit.The artist freedom is complete. You can submit short films, feature films, documentaries, video clips, trailers, Video Art or whatever digital sight and sound form. Films got no length required.
But the risk, a deep colorful philosophy and the new forms of cinema language are better for us to be selected. As well as synthesis and capacity of being brief.
If you are already a Hell Chess winner, send us an email and we can provide you a free code to submit your new works. But only if you have been a winner in any of the past editions. This year we want to invite the uppermost films on Earth to be WONDERFUL. So this festival is almost a secret garden to drink the eternal water. So, be aware because we are almost a private castle! If you are here you got lucky.

No limits in languages, but ALL NON SPANISH OR NON SILENT MOVIES MUST HAVE SPANISH SUBTITLES. Anyway, we can provide you a certain help to make those subtitles if you are eager to make them. As the same time we are open to photos and music, so you can submit them in our contest.

Web & Social

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Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

All kind of Films
Early Bird (24th January, 2020) €905
Late (7th March, 2020) €1,826

We are searching for different works with a different narrative structure or/ and a beautiful message to the world. All films compete in the same category.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals