FICU Lanterna

Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, North America

FICU Lanterna logo
FICU Lanterna

Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, North America

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General Information




Samuel Sánchez

Director de Festival

Tanny Achar

Directora de Festival

Contact details

46 Avenida Universidad Anáhuac Mexico, Mexico 52786 Mexico



Web & social

About the festival

The International University Film Festival, FICU LANTERNA, is the meeting point between students and leaders of the national and international audiovisual industry, where dreams and reality become possible.
It is the way to express love for the seventh art and to encounter the world of cinema in each of its facets. FICU LANTERNA is fully organized by students of the Leadership Program in Creativity and Communication, CREA, with the support of Anahuac University Mexico, North Campus and South Campus.

FICU LANTERNA es un espacio de encuentro con figuras del entretenimiento.
Este transcurre en un lapso de tres días. Aquí se otorga a sus alumnos un foro de creatividad para explorar las nuevas tendencias del medio cinematográfico, una conexión académica donde la experiencia de los invitados brindará una perspectiva real de la creación audiovisual a los interesados de la misma, y la manifestación de la pasión por poder generar material con las bases ya establecidas del medio.
FICU LANTERNA ha crecido de manera exponencial a nivel nacional e internacional. Actualmente, se han realizado diez ediciones con distintas personalidades de alto calibre dentro de la industria cinematográfica, mismos que resaltan su experiencia laboral y humana a los presentes. Debido a esto, se está convirtiendo en unos de los festivales universitarios con mayor prestigio a nivel nacional.


The International University Film Festival, FICU LANTERNA, is the meeting point between students and leaders of the national and international audiovisual industry, where dreams and reality become possible.
It is the way to express love for the seventh art and to encounter the world of cinema in each of its facets. FICU LANTERNA is fully organized by students of the Leadership Program in Creativity and Communication, CREA, with the support of Anahuac University Mexico, North Campus and South Campus.

FICU LANTERNA es un espacio de encuentro con figuras del entretenimiento.
Este transcurre en un lapso de tres días. Aquí se otorga a sus alumnos un foro de creatividad para explorar las nuevas tendencias del medio cinematográfico, una conexión académica donde la experiencia de los invitados brindará una perspectiva real de la creación audiovisual a los interesados de la misma, y la manifestación de la pasión por poder generar material con las bases ya establecidas del medio.
FICU LANTERNA ha crecido de manera exponencial a nivel nacional e internacional. Actualmente, se han realizado diez ediciones con distintas personalidades de alto calibre dentro de la industria cinematográfica, mismos que resaltan su experiencia laboral y humana a los presentes. Debido a esto, se está convirtiendo en unos de los festivales universitarios con mayor prestigio a nivel nacional.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

1. Registration will have no cost.
2. The deadline for registration will be March 1, 2020.
3. Be at least 19 years old (deliver a legal responsive letter if you are a minor)
4. There will be no registration limit for the number of films per director. However, each project must be registered individually in order to have a folio number.
5. The video format must have an H.264 format in .mp4 at a minimum resolution 720p.
6. Video clips or productions that involve religious proselytism, political propaganda, institutional promotion, discriminatory and / or commercial profile will not be accepted.
7. To be admitted, the materials must be submitted in Spanish or English. If the original language is not Spanish or English, the translation or subtitles (English or Spanish) of the project is required, otherwise its participation cannot be considered.
8. The participants of the production team must attach an official identification.
9. It will be a requirement to attach an electronic press kit for each work registered with the following materials:
- Still photography of the work that represents the project (color at 300 dpi, in format .jpg)
- Synopsis of the work
- Brief biography of the director
- Director's photograph (color at 300 dpi, in format .jpg)
- Data sheet with credit list
1. Once enrolled in the call, the film may not be removed from it. In no case will be paid for the exhibition rights of a job. The shorts in Official Selection may be consulted by industry professionals during the Festival, exhibited during the Festival celebration and viewed privately on a secure server during and after the event by jurors, programmers and critics of Festival content. Likewise, the contacts of each corresponding producer or distributor will be published.
2. To consider participation in the project, those who register must submit a letter certifying that they have all the rights and authorizations for the exhibition of the film
3. The script must be original, if it is based on another work, it must be specified in the credits, otherwise it will be disqualified.
4. Sending the short film during the process included in the call does not guarantee your selection. The film will be officially selected only if the Festival has notified it to the registrant.
5. Registering a film will mean accepting the basis of the Festival's announcement.
6. The receipt of the materials will be confirmed by email. Films sent after the closing date of the call will not be considered.
7. The selected works will be exhibited during the Festival on the dates that the Festival stipulates as convenient.
8. Upon completing the registration of the short films, the rights owners will undertake to accept these regulations and, consequently, to exhibit said work during the dates and venues determined by the Festival.
9. The intellectual property rights and / or the short film registered to the Festival will be the responsibility of the person who registers the project.

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals