Christian Family Film Festival

Ellington, NY, United States, North America

31 Jul, 2020 - 02 Aug, 2020

Christian Family Film Festival logo
Christian Family Film Festival

Ellington, NY, United States, North America

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General Information



Contact details

770 West Main Street Ellington, NY 14732-0373 United States


(716) 214-7006

Web & social

About the festival

The CHRISTIAN FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL is partnering with the Christian TV Network giving filmmakers the opportunity to have their films screened on major cable Christian networks around the country! DVD's are also included for those filmmakers given a distribution contract as part of their award.

The CHRISTIAN FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL 2021 will take place July 30, 31 and August 1! The three day event will coincide with the oldest festival and town picnic in the United States held in Ellington, NY. Screenings, Q and A, workshops, award ceremony and red carpet photo op, trophies and distribution contracts will be awarded!

An opening reception on Friday starts the festival in the regal 1849 Greek Revival house THE ENCHANTED ELLINGTON . Screenings take place in the Carriage House Cinema. A unique, one of a kind, intimate film festival in a historic, country setting bringing you a unique event unlike any you will experience.

FILM DISTRIBUTION AWARDS will be made to ALL winners in the CFFF 2020! NOW, short shorts from 1 minutes to feature length films of 72 minutes and longer will receive worldwide distribution on all digital platforms AND DVD'S (for feature length) in all major chain stores! The CFFF is a content licensing agent for a leading established distribution company with 20 plus years in the business! Have YOUR dream fulfilled!

Three full days of screenings, with a Q and A following for those filmmakers in attendance, plus the LENSKA FILMMAKERS SEMINAR! (Lenska has worked behind the scenes in all areas of filmmaking including distribution.) You will learn things you never heard before and to quote filmmakers at her workshop in NYC in JUNE at the INYFF, "We learned more in Diana Lenska's one hour workshop then in all the years of going to film seminars and workshops throughout the country". You cannot miss it!

In 2018 we introduced OUR trophy! NOT a mimic of the Hollywood Academy Awards BUT the ultimate trophy for a Christian Filmmaker. A gold cross with a Bible and praying hands on a marble base. Beautiful and inspiring!

On Sunday, August 2 an award ceremony will be held with trophies and certificates presented to the winners WITH their distribution contract!

We are a filmmakers supported event and those filmmakers attending will receive priority in having their films screened. Those who attend will have a warm intimate screening with fellowship and networking with other Christian filmmakers in the unique setting for this venue PLUS the powerhouse workshop!

The CFFF 2020 is being held at the same time in Ellington as their historic yearly festival. There will be family activities, games, food vendors, contests, a parade and fire-works! Don't miss it! Our screenings, workshops and events are worked within the Ellington festival activities so you can enjoy both!

The CFFF has three levels of awards, GOLD, SILVER and MERIT certificates. Special trophies for outstanding productions, award laurels AND a chance for your film to be screened throughout Western New York at various churches and venues. Awards will be presented in the CARRIAGE HOUSE CINEMA. ALL AWARD WINNERS will receive a distribution contract!

The CFFF 22020 AWARD CEREMONY will be filmed and award winners will receive a special premiere screening of their winning film during the regular screening schedule of the Carriage House Cinema.


The CHRISTIAN FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL is partnering with the Christian TV Network giving filmmakers the opportunity to have their films screened on major cable Christian networks around the country! DVD's are also included for those filmmakers given a distribution contract as part of their award.

The CHRISTIAN FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL 2021 will take place July 30, 31 and August 1! The three day event will coincide with the oldest festival and town picnic in the United States held in Ellington, NY. Screenings, Q and A, workshops, award ceremony and red carpet photo op, trophies and distribution contracts will be awarded!

An opening reception on Friday starts the festival in the regal 1849 Greek Revival house THE ENCHANTED ELLINGTON . Screenings take place in the Carriage House Cinema. A unique, one of a kind, intimate film festival in a historic, country setting bringing you a unique event unlike any you will experience.

FILM DISTRIBUTION AWARDS will be made to ALL winners in the CFFF 2020! NOW, short shorts from 1 minutes to feature length films of 72 minutes and longer will receive worldwide distribution on all digital platforms AND DVD'S (for feature length) in all major chain stores! The CFFF is a content licensing agent for a leading established distribution company with 20 plus years in the business! Have YOUR dream fulfilled!

Three full days of screenings, with a Q and A following for those filmmakers in attendance, plus the LENSKA FILMMAKERS SEMINAR! (Lenska has worked behind the scenes in all areas of filmmaking including distribution.) You will learn things you never heard before and to quote filmmakers at her workshop in NYC in JUNE at the INYFF, "We learned more in Diana Lenska's one hour workshop then in all the years of going to film seminars and workshops throughout the country". You cannot miss it!

In 2018 we introduced OUR trophy! NOT a mimic of the Hollywood Academy Awards BUT the ultimate trophy for a Christian Filmmaker. A gold cross with a Bible and praying hands on a marble base. Beautiful and inspiring!

On Sunday, August 2 an award ceremony will be held with trophies and certificates presented to the winners WITH their distribution contract!

We are a filmmakers supported event and those filmmakers attending will receive priority in having their films screened. Those who attend will have a warm intimate screening with fellowship and networking with other Christian filmmakers in the unique setting for this venue PLUS the powerhouse workshop!

The CFFF 2020 is being held at the same time in Ellington as their historic yearly festival. There will be family activities, games, food vendors, contests, a parade and fire-works! Don't miss it! Our screenings, workshops and events are worked within the Ellington festival activities so you can enjoy both!

The CFFF has three levels of awards, GOLD, SILVER and MERIT certificates. Special trophies for outstanding productions, award laurels AND a chance for your film to be screened throughout Western New York at various churches and venues. Awards will be presented in the CARRIAGE HOUSE CINEMA. ALL AWARD WINNERS will receive a distribution contract!

The CFFF 22020 AWARD CEREMONY will be filmed and award winners will receive a special premiere screening of their winning film during the regular screening schedule of the Carriage House Cinema.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Shorts may be submitted from 1 minutes up to 50 minutes and features from 51 minutes to 2 hours. No porn, vulgarity, nudity or profanity will be accepted.


Full Gospel Shorts or Features are films that present Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation and present Biblical references in the film.

Inspirational Shorts and Features are either family oriented, children's films or inspiring films with a moral at its center.

All family oriented shorts, animations, features, documentaries, and music videos may be entered into the CHRISTIAN FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL.

The filmmaker must own all rights to his film and music or have secured them by the festival.

We will accept films made between 2010 to 2021.


Send posters to:
P.O. Box 373
Ellington, NY 14732

It is up to everyone submitting their project to the CFFF to respond to our emails in a timely manner. We work with you but it is your responsibility to keep on top of our notifications.

By submitting your film you give us the right to also screen it at our Carriage House Cinema as part of the awards presented and premiere screening.

Digital Awards and laurels will be presented to filmmakers that do not attend the festival. Actual award certificates and for 1st place a gold trophy will be presented to filmmakers who attend and support the CFFF 2020.

We are a seminar/workshop festival with screenings and distribution awards. Filmmakers attending the CFFF have priority in the screening schedule. We understand not everyone can attend but expect a core group of our selected films to have the filmmakers attend and support the festival.

Filmmakers and screenplay writers who cannot attend receive a digital award certificate.
Distribution awards are also made to those who cannot attend. An actual award can be created and sent to those not able to attend for the following cost which includes, shipping, handling, and insurance by priority mail. Trophy award and copy of program $60.00. Second and Third Place awards embossed certificate with program $30.00.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Inspirational Short
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

From 2 minutes to 44 minutes

Inspirational Features
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

From 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours maximum.

Full Gospel Short
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

2 minutes to 44 minutes.

Full Gospel Feature
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours maximum.

Christian Documentary
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

45 minutes to 2 hours 1/2 maximum.

Christian Music Video
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

Any length

Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

Inspirational or Christian/Gospel theme ONLY!

Original Music (single songs or complete concerts or film scores)
Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

Submit by MP3 audio file.

Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

You must give us a name of a performer to be nominated for an award. If you do not provide us with the name of the actor/actress you want nominated we will decide from the film cast and nominate our pick.

Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35

Please give us the name of the actor or actress you are nominating for an award.

Early Bird (26th August, 2020) $30
Late (30th November, 2020) $35


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals