7th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards

Ierapetra, Crete, Greece, Europe

01 - 08 Aug, 2020

7th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards logo
7th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards

Ierapetra, Crete, Greece, Europe

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General Information





Contact details

Stratigou Samouil 22 Ierapetra, Crete 72200 Greece




Web & social

About the festival

At the 7th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra, screens, in a competition, the best new documentaries, from the Greece and whole of the world, in Ierapetra, the southernmost town in Europe, the Crossroads of cultures and continents. The juries, consisting of international caliber personalities.
The 7th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra will be dedicated to research and innovation.
Since the 4th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra accepted applications from YOUNG ARTISTS AND DIRECTORS from 18 to 25 years. This will be continued and in the 5th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards. The festival will be dedicated to culture from the dawn of history until today. The goal is the projection of documentaries that will illustrate the tradition, culture, customs and traditions, folklore and the modern industrial civilization of our common country, Europe. The Festival’s target is to keep pace with the developments in technology and cinema, socially as well as commercially and to maintain its ecumenical character.

The above mp4 files of films should have English and Greek subtitles embedded (in
case of Foreign dialogues).
Our remarkable festival has also recently acquired the EFFE label for 2018 - 2019!

Please find our trailer above:


1st International Feature Award
2nd International Feature Award
3rd International FeatureAward
1st International Short Award
2nd International Short Award
3rd International Short Award
1st Feature Greek Award
2nd Feature Greek Award
3rd Feature Greek Award
1st Short GreekAward
2nd Short Greek Award
3rd Short Greek Award
Special Jury Award
Directing Award
Photography Award
Festival Awards
Audience Awards


At the 7th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra, screens, in a competition, the best new documentaries, from the Greece and whole of the world, in Ierapetra, the southernmost town in Europe, the Crossroads of cultures and continents. The juries, consisting of international caliber personalities.
The 7th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra will be dedicated to research and innovation.
Since the 4th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra accepted applications from YOUNG ARTISTS AND DIRECTORS from 18 to 25 years. This will be continued and in the 5th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Awards. The festival will be dedicated to culture from the dawn of history until today. The goal is the projection of documentaries that will illustrate the tradition, culture, customs and traditions, folklore and the modern industrial civilization of our common country, Europe. The Festival’s target is to keep pace with the developments in technology and cinema, socially as well as commercially and to maintain its ecumenical character.

The above mp4 files of films should have English and Greek subtitles embedded (in
case of Foreign dialogues).
Our remarkable festival has also recently acquired the EFFE label for 2018 - 2019!

Please find our trailer above:


1st International Feature Award
2nd International Feature Award
3rd International FeatureAward
1st International Short Award
2nd International Short Award
3rd International Short Award
1st Feature Greek Award
2nd Feature Greek Award
3rd Feature Greek Award
1st Short GreekAward
2nd Short Greek Award
3rd Short Greek Award
Special Jury Award
Directing Award
Photography Award
Festival Awards
Audience Awards

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra (IDFI) is
organized by Xrysea nonprofit corporation, on August 1st to 8th, 2020.
Film viewing has been scheduled at theaters (Melina Mercury, “Tzami”
Venetian Castle) and at external places (Tzami Square).
Aim of the festival. IDFI’s main purpose is the promotion of Art of
Documentary making, presenting a multifaceted universal film program
during the event.
One of the important aims of the festival is the promotion and the
diffusion of documentary production, as well the cooperation and the
development of esprit of friendship amongst the artists.
However, equally important is highlighting the local civilization
and especially the Minoan one and its contribution to Universal Culture.
The aim of IDFI is, therefore, the qualitative upgrade of cultural and
intellectual life in local, national and international level, because we
believe that culture and cultivation of the intellect are indispensable
requisites of our lives.
The IDFI is an annual institution and is divided into Panorama
where international or national documentary productions (awarded or
not), are viewed and the Contest Part.
Terms of Participation.
a. Production Year of All the Contest Section films should be 2019‐2020.
b. All Greek and foreign Directors have the right to participate,
irrelevantly if they live and work in Greece or abroad.
c. Participation right to the Contest Part have all Documentaries with
subjects under the following topics:
Human Rights
Recordings of Memory
Views of the World
True Stories
Greek Panorama
Human Journeys
Human Portrait
Young Directors
d. The Documentaries are divided into short films (duration up to 30
minutes) and feature films (duration from 35 until 120 minutes)
e. The festival accepts the following film formats for viewing: mp4 file with HD resolution or vimeo link or link with HD resolution.
f. Special attention will be given to the film’s artistic quality as a total.
Also to the Documentary theme and to the direction’s exclusivity and
originality. Films which do not fulfill the above features will be excluded
from the IDFI.
g. 1/The films will be viewed with original dialogues and the foreign films must have Greek subtitles.
"The films will be screened in their original language, with Greek subtitles.
If the dialogues are in Greek, then the documentary will be shown with English Subtitles. Copies of the pre-selection process are submitted in Greek (if they are in foreign languages ​​".
2/ If dialogues are Greek, the film must have English subtitles.
3/ Copies for the preselection process will be submitted with Greek
subtitles in mp4 file.
4/ Only one film per participant and film category will be accepted.
5) IDFI is strictly a cultural institution. Viewing fees will not be given to
any film.
Participation Regulations. Film Directors and Producers are obliged to
complete and submit the participation form, in which technical data of
the documentary will be stated. They are also obliged to comply with the
terms and rules of the festival.
a. Deadline for submissions is June 1st, 2020.
b. The same deadline ( June 1st, 2020) applies also in case an
application form has been e-mailed by the director or producer. In this
case the signed hard copy of the application form and the copies of the
film (mp4 file in HD Resolution) should be sent by registered mail
to the festival address:
International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra Secreteriat
Stratigou Samouil 22 Ierapetra Greece, 72200,
Tel. 2842020345, Mob. 6948541393
Astrous 100, Kolonos, Athens, 10442
c. The festival will contact only the selected film directors/ producers
until June 30th 2020.
d. After submitting the application, the director/producer have no
right to withdraw their application for any reason.
e. Participation details and application form can be found at the
festival site:
All applications should include:
Application form properly filled in and signed by the director and
the producer plus accompanying material consisted of:
1. Mp4 file in HD resolution
2.or Vimeo link in HD resolution to download it.
The above mp4 files should have Greek subtitles embedded (in
case of English dialogues) or English (in case of Greek dialogues).
3. Film Summary (up to 140 words) in Greek (optional for foreign
participants) and English in digital format.
4. Director’s Biography (up to 70 words) in Greek (optional for
foreign participants) and English in digital format.
5. Four (4) snapshots of the film (horizontal) and one (1) director’s
photo, preferably 10Χ15 εκ. at 300 dpi or corresponding size.
6. Director’s Filmography as a column from latest to oldest (Date,
Title, Genre) in Greek and English in digital format
7. Trailer / DEMO of the film in DVD disk for viewing.
8. Supplementary advertising material (posters, brochures) if
7) Hosting: IDFI will host the film director for 1 night.
8) Organizers have the right to arrange accordingly any issue not covered
by these terms and regulations.
9) Scenes from the documentary (less of 10% of total duration) can be
used for publicity purposes (internet, TV etc.)
10) The Festival has the privilege to show the selected Documentaries in
other affiliated Festivals, strictly for cultural and social purposes.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Feature Documentary
Early Bird (2nd September, 2019) $20
Late (1st March, 2020) $40

35 - 120 minutes

Short Documentary
Early Bird (2nd September, 2019) $20
Late (1st March, 2020) $40

until 30 minutes

Young Directors ( up to 25 yearls old)
Early Bird (2nd September, 2019) $15
Late (1st March, 2020) $30


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals