The Bite

'A Mordida', 2019

An epidemic has broken out and genetically modified mosquitoes, fruit of a research factory near São Paulo, are rallied against the deadly virus: an analogy to the recrudescent rise of conservatism in Brazil over the recent years. In the meantime, a three-way erotic relationship between a man, a woman and a transgender woman is faced with rising tensions and constant shifts on power dynamics. A dystopian fable, veering between present-day and an undefined future, that merges lo-fi horror, science fiction and queer drama, pointing to intimacy as the last shield of defense against moral, sentimental and political annihilation.

An epidemic has broken out and genetically modified mosquitoes, fruit of a research factory near São Paulo, are rallied against the deadly virus: an analogy to the recrudescent rise of conservatism in Brazil over the recent years. In the meantime, a three-way erotic relationship between a man, a woman and a transgender woman is faced with rising tensions and constant shifts on power dynamics. A dystopian fable, veering between present-day and an undefined future, that merges lo-fi horror, science fiction and queer drama, pointing to intimacy as the last shield of defense against moral, sentimental and political annihilation.


26 minutes





Movie poster image
The Bite

Pedro Neves Marques, 2019

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Brazil, Portugal

Country of filming





Short Waves Festival



III Award

Winner(s): Pedro Neves Marques

Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen



Go Short Award for Best Fiction

European Short Art Film


An epidemic has broken out and genetically modified mosquitoes, fruit of a research factory near São Paulo, are rallied against the deadly virus: an analogy to the recrudescent rise of conservatism in Brazil over the recent years. In the meantime, a three-way erotic relationship between a man, a woman and a transgender woman is faced with rising tensions and constant shifts on power dynamics. A dystopian fable, veering between present-day and an undefined future, that merges lo-fi horror, science fiction and queer drama, pointing to intimacy as the last shield of defense against moral, sentimental and political annihilation.

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An epidemic has broken out and genetically modified mosquitoes, fruit of a research factory near São Paulo, are rallied against the deadly virus: an analogy to the recrudescent rise of conservatism in Brazil over the recent years. In the meantime, a three-way erotic relationship between a man, a woman and a transgender woman is faced with rising tensions and constant shifts on power dynamics. A dystopian fable, veering between present-day and an undefined future, that merges lo-fi horror, science fiction and queer drama, pointing to intimacy as the last shield of defense against moral, sentimental and political annihilation.


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